Qualitative Field Research
Topics for Field Research Observing complex social phenomena Topics that defy simple quantification Topic best understood in natural settings Topic focused on social processes over time
All Elements of Social Life Practices: talking, reading a book Episodes: divorce, crime, illness Encounters: meetings, interactions Role: occupations, gender roles Relationships: friendships, mother-son
All Elements of Social Life Groups: cliques, teams, work groups Organizations: hospitals, prisons Settlements: neighborhoods, ghettoes Social worlds: "wall street", ”dorm life“ Lifestyles/subcultures: punk, gay/lesbian
Roles of the Observer Participant Observation Full participant to complete observer Constructed roles and social interaction Ethics of involvement and deception Influencing the process and outcome Naturalism and honesty “Going native”
Relation to Subjects Maintaining some separation / objectivity Taking others perspectives / subjectivity Mutually exclusive advantages of perspective Acknowledging implications for reflexivity
Field Research Paradigms Naturalism - empirical, observable reality “Chicago School” sociology Ethnographic - use of informants Provide description of how things “really are” Ethnomethodology - socially-constructed reality Phenomenology - “breaching experiments” “Make sense” of informants perspectives Reveal underlying patterns of interaction Institutional ethnography Interested in institutional power relations
More Field Research Paradigms Grounded theory - positivism + interactionism Derive theories from patterns/themes in observations Systematic set of procedures in qualitative work Theoretical sampling and precise coding Case studies and the extended case method Detailed analysis of particular instance Way to refine and improve existing theory Participatory action research Research as resources to those being studied
Preparing for Field Work Fill in your knowledge of the subject Discuss plan with an informant Develop an identity, if participant Select initial contact
Seven Stages of Interviewing Interviewing is flexible, iterative & continuous Thematizing - clarifying Design Interviewing Transcribing Analyzing Verifying and checking facts Reporting
Advantages of Focus Groups 8 - 15 participants in guided discussion Foster interaction among participants Socially oriented research method Flexible High face validity Speedy results Low in cost
Disadvantages of Focus Groups Less control than individual interviews Data can be difficult to analyze Moderators may impede process Reactive to differences in composition Difficult to assemble groups Powerful personalities can take over
Taking Research Notes Don’t trust your memory Take notes in stages Take notes while you observe Take notes in stages Take sketchy notes in field; fill in the details later Record everything Things that don't seem important may be significant Realize that most of your field notes will not be reflected in your final project - that’s OK
Strengths of Field Research Permits a great depth of understanding. Flexibility - can be modified at any time. Inexpensive - few direct costs Validity over surveys or experiments.
Weaknesses of Field Research No statistical evidence - limited claims Personal factors may undermine reliability Generalizability limited to context
Is It Ethical? To talk to people when they don't know you will be recording their words? To get information for your own purposes from people you hate? To see a severe need for help and not respond to it directly? To be in a situation but not commit yourself wholeheartedly to it?