International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme MEDNARODNA MATURA International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Koordinatorica mednarodne mature Nataša Kne Leben DOBRODOŠLI! Ravnatelj mag. Franc Rozman Koordinatorica mednarodne mature Nataša Kne Leben
Mreža IBO po vsem svetu Neprofitna švicarska organizacija ustanovljena leta 1968. Danes ima 700.000 dijakov v 138-ih državah. 5.000 zunanjih ocenjevalcev po vsem svetu. New York, United States Office for IB Americas Vancouver Branch office for IB Americas Den Haag, Netherlands Headquarters Office for IB Africa, Europe and the Middle East Yokohama, Japan Country IB representative for Japan Cardiff, United Kingdom academic , assessment, HR & admin , finance, publications, ICT, strategy and communications Beijing, China Country IB representative for Mongolia and China Singapore IB office for Asia Pacific Sydney, Australia Country IB representative for Australasia Buenos Aires, Argentina Branch office for IB Americas Mumbai, India Country IB representative for South Asia
IB PYP Primary Years Programme 3- 12 letniki MYP Middle Years Programme 11 – 16 letniki INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE IB DP Diploma Programme: Mednarodna matura 16 – 19 letniki
SUBJECTS: PREDMETNIK 3 HL/3 SL GROUP SKUPINA SUBJECT PREDMET TEACHER Group 1: Language A1 Mother tongue materinščina: slovenščina HL Prof. Barbara Logar Group 2: Language B English - angleščina HL/SL German - nemščina HL/SL Spanish - španščina HL/SL Russian - ruščina HL/SL French - francoščina HL/SL Prof. Biba Kodek Prof. Nelka Kramar Prof. Bernarda Kovač Group 3: Individuals and Society History - zgodovina HL/SL Philosophy - filozofija HL/SL Psychology - psihologija HL/SL Social and Cultural Anthropology HL/SL Dr. Desanka Švara Prof. Nataša Kne Leben Prof. Prof. Lojze Dolinar Prof. Maja von Lehe Prof. Marko Bukovšek Group 4: Experimental Sciences Physics - fizika HL/SL Chemistry - kemija HL/SL Biology - biologija HL/SL Prof. Oliver Ogris Prof. Petra Flajnik Prof. Vanda Kukec Group 5: Mathematics and Computer Sciences Mathematics - matematika HL/SL Prof. Barbara Kušar Mag. Bogdan Kejžar Group 6: The Arts Katerikoli izbirni predmet iz Group 2, 3 in 4 TOK – Theory of Knowledge Prof. Will Tomford CAS – Creativity, Action, Service EXTENDED ESSAY MATURITETNA RAZISKOVALNA NALOGA
EXAMPLE SUBJECT CHOICES: PRIMERI IZBIRE PREDMETOV GROUP SKUPINA SUBJECT PREDMET Group 1: Language A1 materinščina: slovenščina HL Group 2: Language B angleščina HL Group 3: Individuals and Society zgodovina SL Group 4: Experimental Sciences fizika HL Group 5: Mathematics and Computer Sciences matematika HL Group 6: The Arts ruščina SL TOK – Theory of Knowledge CAS – Creativity, Action, Service EXTENDED ESSAY zgodovina GROUP SKUPINA SUBJECT PREDMET Group 1: Language A1 materinščina: slovenščina HL Group 2: Language B angleščina HL Group 3: Individuals and Society filozofija SL Group 4: Experimental Sciences biologija HL Group 5: Mathematics and Computer Sciences matematika HL Group 6: The Arts francoščina SL TOK – Theory of Knowledge CAS – Creativity, Action, Service EXTENDED ESSAY slovenščina GROUP SKUPINA SUBJECT PREDMET Group 1: Language A1 materinščina: slovenščina HL Group 2: Language B nemščina SL Group 3: Individuals and Society psihologija SL Group 4: Experimental Sciences kemija HL Group 5: Mathematics and Computer Sciences matematika HL Group 6: The Arts TOK – Theory of Knowledge CAS – Creativity, Action, Service EXTENDED ESSAY nemščina GROUP SKUPINA SUBJECT PREDMET Group 1: Language A1 materinščina: slovenščina HL Group 2: Language B angleščina SL Group 3: Individuals and Society psihologija SL Group 4: Experimental Sciences fizika HL Group 5: Mathematics and Computer Sciences matematika HL Group 6: The Arts kemija HL TOK – Theory of Knowledge CAS – Creativity, Action, Service EXTENDED ESSAY matematika
ASSESSMENT: OCENJEVANJE EA external assessment IA internal assessment 45 POINTS/24 POINTS, 80% students are awarded the diploma, 1% students gain 45 points.
Koordinatorica mednarodne mature Nataša Kne Leben