Student Assessment Supports (SAS) Students with Student Assistance Plans 2014 SSDI Day 1
Guidelines for Participation in State and District Assessments The current version is available electronically at Distribution should be made within your districts either electronically to all members of SAT team members and school administration. Separate section for guidance on providing access for Students who have Students Assistance Team (SAT) plans. Dissemination is a district responsibility.
STATE ASSESSMENT SUPPORTS (SAS): Creating and defining the SAS TAG Step 1-The tag must be created by the district WVEIS contact before any student tagging can oocur.
Follow these procedures to create the SAS tag for your district.
Final Steps of SAS tag Creation
Identifying Students School Administrators Identifying (Tagging) Students who need SAS Identifying Students
Set Up Student Tagging School Principals will assign State Assessment Supports using the WOW menu item SAS.ACCM. 1) Logon to WVEIS on the Web (WOW) 2) Navigate to the Menus Tab 3) Find SMS Student Management System 4) Find SMS 100 Student Management Maintenance 5) Select STU.301
Log into WOW Step 1 Here is how to access ACCM.14 in WOW.
Selecting the designated supports for each student SAS-WOW Application
1) Logon to WVEIS on the Web (WOW) 2) Navigate to the Menus Tab 3) Find WVR West Virginia State Reporting 4) Find WVR100 State Reporting
Next Steps
Resources To access a copy of this document go to the File Cabinet and select the Accommodations folder Office of Assessment & Research File Cabinet For a current version of the Participation Guidelines go to Practice, practice, practice
Questions? Melissa Gholson