Anxiety, Depression & Coping Strategies
Anxiety Feeling uneasy or worried Causes: New pressures; school, work, challenges that make life seem hectic, Relationships, Lack of Time Management, Perfectionism, can also be mental disorder, Perfectionism – everything must be perfect! Sleep habits affected and mild depression. Reduce Anxiety by having realistic expectations, positive attitude, stress mgmt, physical activity, Time Management.
Depression Prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness 2 types: Reactive Depression: “Feeling Blue” Major Depression: Medical Condition requiring treatment Symptoms : Irritable, change in wt. or appetite, change in mood, sleep patterns, energy levels Experiencing these is normal on occasion – no more than 2 weeks Menu Work: What Works Activity and Recognizing Depression
Helps or Hinders Helps: Realistic Goals, Exercising Vigorously, Cooking/Cleaning, Talking to a close friend, Being Active, Eating Healthy, Shopping with Friends, New Hobbies, Family Hinders: Comparing, Daydreaming, skipping meals, Watching videos, Being Alone, Blaming, thinking of the past, Taking Pills, Drugs & Alcohol, Sleeping, Criticizing, Loafing (Lazy)
Coping Tools- Anxiety & Depression Time Management – Your Responsibility! Set priorities – use your agenda! Reduce the number of commitments – will the rewards be larger than the stress? Will it add negative stress? We often take on too many tasks. Believe in Yourself – Be positive (use self-talk to pump yourself up!) Exercise and Eat Right - take short breaks & exercise or get a healthy snack! Sleep Healthy