What is it? Why do I keep getting email from Barracuda? SPAM
Barracuda is our filtering system. It is designed to filter out unwanted email. SPAM
What does the Spam Filter, Filter??? The Barracuda Spam Firewall is an integrated hardware and software solution for complete protection of your email server. It provides a powerful, easy to use solution to eliminating spam and virus from your organization by providing protection from: spam - sending massive amounts of e-mail promotions or advertisements (and scams) to people that have not asked for it. virus - a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer; "a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance" spoofing - impersonating a server or person without permission. Pretending to be someone else. The deliberate inducement of a user or a resource to take an incorrect action. Attempt to gain access to a system by pretending to be an authorized user. phishing - is a form of Internet fraud that aims to steal valuable information such as credit cards, social security numbers, user IDs and passwords. spyware - gathers information about Internet users without their knowledge or consent and delivers that information to advertisers or others who have access to the information. Users can get spyware in their systems by downloading certain programs or in the form of a virus.
There are four types of emails you should receive from Barracuda. Use Quarantine Account information – This is your login information to manage your account. You only receive this once when the account was set up. Spam Quarantine Summary – This is a list of blocked emails Returned mail: User Unknown – This is a message you sent and the email address was not active or corect. Message you sent blocked by or bulk email filter – This is a message that you sent that was classified as bulk or spam.
Classify as Spam Go down through the Current Message Log click the box to checkmark it (check the emails that you don’t want delivered then click Classify as Spam. The mail will be deleted from this box, and classified as SPAM
Classify as not Spam Go down through the Current Message Log click the box to checkmark it (check the emails that you do want delivered then click Classify as Not Spam. The mail will be delivered to your inbox, and classified as not SPAM.
Quarantine Summary The Barracuda filtering System is blocking some of those unwanted emails so they don’t get delivered to your inbox but also notifying you that an email has been stopped. This is what your Quarantine Summary email looks like. Click on the Deliver link to have a message delivered to your mailbox. Click on the Whitelist link to have a message delivered to your mailbox and whitelist the sender so that his/her messages will no longer be quarantined. Click the Delete link to have the message deleted from your quarantine inbox. You will have better options to manage your inbox and can also change the preferences by clicking here.
Quarantine Inbox You also have two folder tabs here: Quarantine Inbox and Preferences. By clicking on the checkbox inside the gray bar you can select all emails on that page then click the action that you would like to take Deliver, Whitelist, or Delete.
Whitelist/Blacklist Under Preferences and Whitelist/Blacklist you have the option to enter addresses that you want Barracuda to block (Whitelist) and addresses that you no longer wish Barracuda to block (Blacklist). You will see the first section is for e-mail addresses that you want to get (allowed). You can add email addresses here by simply typing the address, and then click add. The next section of email addresses are blocked. (Blacklist) You can also add or remove email addresses from this section.
Quarantine Settings In Preferences and Quarantine Settings, you have the option to tell Barracuda how often to send notifications and choose a language setting.
Under Preferences and password you have an option to change your password. Type in your old password and then your new one and your new password again to confirm.
Do Not log off When you finish there is no need to log off, just click “X” to close the program and you will not have to log in the next time.
If you do log off you will get this login screen the next time you go to Barracuda Spam.
If Barracuda never blocks an email that you want, you can go to your GroupWise mailbox and right click on a Barracuda email click Junk Mail and Block sender. This will keep you from getting email from Barracuda.
I hope this was helpful to you and answered your questions about Barracuda! SPAM