Comparative Input Chart: Table of Contents Input Chart Talking Points Pictures to support student understanding
Function of a Living System Function of a Living System Life Cycle * 4 stages *Egg, larva, cocoon or pupa, adult bee *Cycle repeats *Metamorphosis (change) Ecosystem *habitat *trees, buildings, people *nectar from flowers to survive. *colonies, jobs Life Cycle * 4 stages * Egg, caterpillar (larva), adult butterfly * Cycle repeats * Metamorphisms (change) Function of a Living System Exoskeleton - molts Antennae – smell Proboscis – collects nectar Legs/Wings – fly, made out of skeleton Stingers – eggs, protection Spiracles - breathing Ecosystem *trees and plants all around world *predator - birds Human Impact *food production *Honey, beeswax, pollination *Venom - arthritis Human Impact * Pollination *Pesticides and human destruction Function of a Living System Prolegs – attaches to leaves and branches Spiracles – breathing holes (in people = lungs) Exoskeleton – molts to grow bigger Wings – fly to get food or escape prey, camouflage Proboscis – drink food Antenna – smell and touch
Talking Points: Comparative LIFE CYCLE Say: Today we are going to talk about life cycles of two organisms by making a diagram. Say that with me “organisms.” Organisms are any living thing. The first organism is the butterfly and the second is the bee. (Place the pictures of the two organisms on the chart.) Say: The butterfly and bee have similar life cycles. They both go through a metamorphosis. A metamorphosis is a change..the baby organism looks different than the adult. Clap the word metamorphosis. Both the bee and butterfly go through four stages, but they have a little different names of the stages and functions Say: In stage 1, the butterfly and bee both begin as an egg, but while the butterfly egg is laid in its habitat and its mother dies, the bee egg is actually laid in a part of the colony called a brood nest, in a special chamber. The queen is the only bee who can lay eggs, while any female butterfly who has an egg fertilized may lay an egg and continue its life cycle. (Begin to draw the cycles, adding more detail at each stage.) Say: Stage2, is called the larvae stage. Both the bee and butterfly emerge from an egg and are called larvae. They are similar because they both must eat a lot, grow a lot, and molt; however while the butterfly must forage for food by eating leaves, the bee is fed more than 100,000 times by nursing bees The caterpillar will release a lot of frass, while the bee larvae will hold its feces in for sometime. (put up picture of caterpillar eating and bee in compartment) Say: The next stage is called the pupa stage. Pupa is the general name of the stage, but many refer to the stage as a chrysalis in a butterfly and a cocoon in a bee. Bees are considered to have cocoons because the queen bee lays eggs in each cell of a honeycomb. When the eggs begin to hatch, worker bees add jelly to the heads of young bees. The newly hatched bees wrap themselves in the jelly creating a cocoon. Bees that are chosen to become queens are fed jelly for longer periods of time to cause them to grow bigger and stronger. After eating their way through the jelly, young bees begin to spin another cocoon until they are fully developed queens, drones and workers. (Draw pictures of bee life cycle) While the bee eats jelly in the cocoon stage, the butterfly does not eat food while in the chrysalis. (put up picture of chrysalis and bee in hive) Say: Finally, both the butterfly and bee emerge from the pupa as adult bees and butterflies. While they emerge vey similarly, most butterflies will not stay with other butterflies, while bees will remain in their colony. One characteristic of honeybees is that they are social and cooperative insects, while butterflies are independent. Bees have a varied life span depending on their job and when they were born, while butterflies typically live around 14 days. The specials of bee and butterfly can effect life span. 10-2 “When I give you the signal word, turn and talk to someone near you about something interesting or scientific you have learned about life cycles” (give students 2 minutes to share w/peers. Have some students share out. Give scouts a chance to say who has earned an award)
ECOSYSTEM Say: All around us are creatures surviving in different types of ecosystems. Ecosystems are the habitats where organisms live and interact with living and non-living things. Say ecosystem. Notice the word system, in the word ecosystem. What are some systems in this room? (Put up picture of ecosystem) Bees are very social and cooperative creatures. They all have jobs in their colony. They live in colonies with a queen bee. Bees in the colony have different jobs. Workers forage for food (pollen and nectar from flowers), build and protect the hive, clean, and circulate air by beating their wings. They interact with trees, plants, animals, buildings and people. They need nectar and pollen from flowers to survive. Predators of the honeybee are small hive beetles and their larvae, skunks, and some wasps. There are hunting wasps that kill the bees as food for their larvae. Yellow jacket wasps kill bees to get the nectar they are carrying, but don't eat the bee. Bees use their stingers to protect their hive. (insert picture of bee hive ) Say: While bees are social creatures, most species of butterflies are solitary. Butterflies rely on plants and can be found around the world. They interact with plants in shaded areas of varied temperatures. Their predators are birds. One property that protects the butterfly in their ecosystem is their camouflaged wings that reflect light and hide them from their predators. (insert picture of bird eating caterpillar). Say: Butterflies are also an important part of our ecosystem. Butterflies live around flowers and help the ecosystem by pollinating our flowers and plants which allows them to grow. Some butterflies eat insects and help control the insect population preventing them from destroying plant life. A place where butterflies survive is called their habitat.(place photos) Phenology is the study of life cycles, a biologist studies living organisms. Entomologists study insects in specific, so they are specialists in Bees and Butterflies. 10-2 “When I give you the signal word, turn and talk to someone near you about something interesting or scientific you have learned about ecosystems” (give students 2 minutes to share w/peers. Have some students share out. Give scouts a chance to say who has earned an award)
IMPACT ON HUMANS Say: Organisms have an impact on one another. An impact is an effect. For example, if the re are not enough bees to pollinate our apple trees, the apple trees will not get pollinated and produce fruit. We need bees for food production. They pollinate all our fruits. People also eat honey and use wax from honeycomb to make candles and other products. (put up picture of honey and wax. Honey Bee venom is used to make medicine to cure arthritis. In orchards and watermelon patches, you may spot boxes used to pollinate our farmer’s farms! (show picture of box by orchard) Without bees to pollinate our fruits, we could not survive. Say: Similarly, butterflies are known for pollination, too. While sucking nectar with their proboscis, pollen will rub off on them and our fruits will become pollinated.. (show picture of butterfly sipping nectar and pollinating flowers.) Sometimes, humans can have a negative impact on insects like bees and butterflies. By destroying plants..habitats can be destroyed, leaving bees and butterflies without the food they need. Also, pesticides can poison the insects which impacts farmers who then don’t have the pollination happening on their crops. (put up picture of pesticides) 10-2 “When I give you the signal word, turn and talk about 1 thing you learned about the impact humans have on bees and butterflies or the impact these two insects have on us!”
FUNCTON OF LIVING THING Say: Parts of a system depend on one another for the system to function. The function is the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role. Clap the word function. Notice the suffix, tion confirming function is a noun. For example, the purpose of my legs is mobility. Without them, I would really struggle getting around.(put up picture of legs) Say: The exoskeleton in both the butterfly and bee have a function to protect. While both organisms are in their larva stage, they will molt their exoskeleton and grow larger. Bees and butterflies both have spiracles to breathe. Both organisms have types of bristles during their life cycle. Caterpillars have bristles to reflect light making the harder to see to birds. The bristles have the function to protect. In an adult bee, they have little hears that have the function to collect pollen. Say: While adults and mammals use lungs to breathe, the functions of the spiracles is to provide air to the insects. (show picture of spiracles) Say: Butterflies and bees both have antennae which are used for smell, but the butterfly also uses its antenna for touch. Both creatures have legs and wings with the function of mobility. Say: Proboscis’s in both organisms have the purpose of sucking nectar. The nectar bees collect mixes with the bees enzymes in its stomach to create honey. Without the proboscis, both insects could not survive. . (show picture of proboscis) Bees use their mouths to eat pollen which they can collect more than 60 pounds a year. Say: The bee also has as stinger…its function in the female is egg production, but as time has progressed, the queen is the only one to lay eggs, so the females use their stingers to protect the hive. Instead of stingers, butterflies have camouflaged wings for protection, helping them hide from their predators. Some species of butterflies eat a type of plant that causes them to cause their predators to get sick if they eat them, making the predator leave them alone. (put up picture of stinger) Say: During the larva stage, caterpillars have special legs to help them crawl on leaves without falling and connect to a branch to form their chrysalis. While bees do not need legs as their larva stage happens in a special chamber. (put up picture of caterpillar legs) Model adding a caption to each side of the comparative. 10-2 “When I give you the signal word, turn and talk to someone near you about something interesting or scientific you have learned about functions in living organisms. Now make a connection between a part of your body system and its function.” (give students 2 minutes to share w/peers. Have some students share out. Give scouts a chance to say who has earned an award)
Bee and sunflower butterfly-3 Bees wax bar caterpillar
Pesticide legs
Chrysalis Honeybee Life Cycle Bee Cocoon Butterfly Egg
Bee and Sunflower Chrysalis Evolution Beehive Bee Pollen
Bird Eating Caterpillar Spiracle Bristles Proboscis Bird Eating Caterpillar
Ecosystem Prolegs Honeybee Proboscis Honey Production
Pollination Honey Bee Stinger Bee Wings
Bees pollinating apples Bee Antenna Butterfly on flower Butterfly antenna Bees pollinating apples