Monsanto Acetic Acid Process Giana Storck, Chemistry, Elmhurst College In this molecular orbital diagram the CO is donating electrons to the Rh. 16 e- Some History Acetic acid is an industrially important chemical During the 19th century, ethanol fermentation was used to make the chemical Then came an acetaldehyde route to acetic acid (using mercury as a catalyst) Methanol became an attractive raw material due to its relatively low price In 1970, Monsanto used this process Oxidative Addition CH3I CH3I CH3COI H2O 18 e- HI CH3OH CH3CO2H CO insertion = alkyl migration Reaction Conditions 10-3 M Rh 180˚ C 30-40 atm >99% selectivity on methanol No hydrogen affect 16 e- The rhodium used for this reaction is used in a circular fashion, it can be reused. Coordination of CO H2O Reductive elimination 18 e- 16 e-