The Fur Trade & Expansion of the West
The Northwest of Canada in 1800s
HBC (1670) vs. NWC (1779)
Hudson Bay Company Founded in 1670 Radisson and Groseillier’s explored beyond New France Returned with furs – pitched to King Charles II to back up their business Claimed the area around Hudson Bay – named Rupert’s Land
Hudson Bay Company “Stay by the Bay” No inland traders -Encouraged First Nations to come to HB Employees forbidden to “marry” aboriginal women. Standard of Trade was strict/little room for bargaining No Alcohol! Bosses lived in London, England Employees signed on for term and were paid a set rate Shipped furs directly to and from England Hudson Bay is ice-free only from July to mid-September Main trading fort : York Factory
The Fight is On!!! Challenge to the HBC domination of the fur trade in Canada. Enter the North West Company
Northwest Company Founded in 1783 – rivals of HBC “Montrealers” Group of French, Scottish & English merchants from Montreal Seized French fur trade Expanded trading networks and merged to create NWC Geographic reasons Built posts inland -Montreal too far for Natives to travel Established major trade depot at Fort William (Ontario today) Similar to HBC – had to trade swiftly to beat the short ice-free season
Northwest Company Less rigid and bossy than the HBC-the employees shared in the profit Hivernants (wintering partners) Did the actual fur trading & hunting Encouraged to “marry” aboriginal women Spent the winter in the country gathering furs and returned each spring to Montreal Voyageurs Muscle power to paddle canoes and carry cargo Mapped new areas and established new trading posts More relaxed in trading standards – willing to bargain and even traded alcohol (HBC refused)
Map of NWC Trading Area
The old task… In your opinion, which company was better for (1) traders AND (2) First Nations? List at least 3 reasons why for each-explain your reasoning!
The old task… part 2 Draw an employment poster. Choose a company (HBC or NWC) and advertise to hire new employees. Give reasons why someone should work for your company