The background GDPR protects the personal data and privacy of citizens of EU countries GDPR will affect any company or public entity that processes personal data of EU citizens Personal data can be saved and used, but only if the organization: - know where it is located - have secured access to it - know what the legal ground is for saving it GDPR Comes into effect 25th of May 2018 Failure to comply leads to fines of up to 20 Million Euros or 4% of the annual turnover. Per failure.
The challenge GDPR has a broader definition of both personal data and data source Unstructured data has never been regulated before, but is now Each document and email in the organizations possession must be reviewed to see if it contains personal data according to the new definition in GDPR. If it does, a legal analysis must be made to decide if a legal ground exists to keep it. Or a legal requirement. All those decisions must be documented. That review, decision making, and documentation will take at least 10 years. Per terabyte.
The solution Aigine scans all unstructured data sources and only presents documents containing personal data, cutting the workload with 90%. Aigine contains an automated workflow engine that delegates the workload to multiple persons. Aigine presents the document content with personal data highlighted, cutting the review time with 90%. Aigine provides a GUI with an integrated, contextual knowledge database, and AI provides suggestions, making legal decision making faster.
The solution Aigine gather reviews and decision making as meta data, creating documentation, traceability and re-usability. Aigine monitors actual human decision making in real time, and uses it for cognitive learning Aigine places new cognitive abilities in the cloud, continuously improving the performance of scanning and suggestions for legal decisions.
The future Aigine will use the meta data created earlier to automate actions needed when individuals use their rights under GDPR Aigine will use the meta data and its cognitive abilities to monitor data sources for continuous compliance Aigine will use meta data to automate information management Aigine will also be able to scan and monitor structured data sources
Makes sense