Sloths vs Poppies
Opium Poppy Like most flowers, the opium flower is produced to attract pollinators. Possible colors of this cup-shaped flower are red, white, purple and pink. Opium poppies are often used for the medicine derived from the opium, such as morphine and codeine.
Pollination Pollination is a very important part of the life cycle of a flowering plant. It is part of the sexual reproduction process of flowers which results in seeds that will grow into new plants. Plants have gametes, which contain half the normal number of chromosomes for that plant species. Male gametes are found inside tiny pollen grains on the anthers of flowers. Female gametes are found in the ovules of a flower. Pollination is the process that brings these male and female gametes together.
Sloths Sloths are medium-sized mammals belonging to the families Megalonychidae and Bradypodidae, classified into six species. They are part of the order Pilosa and are therefore related to anteaters, which sport a similar set of specialized claws.
Sloth Reproduction All sloths are independent creatures by nature, they only come together to mate Two-toed male sloths use anal secretions on tree branches to advertise their presence while females in season emit high-pitched mating calls. Males move toward the screaming female, sometimes fighting each other if two manage to reach her at once Although sloths can breed year-round, most mating occurs around spring
Reproduction Similarities and differences Sloths and poppy flowers are both sexual organisms Sloths carry their offsprings in their stomachs for 6 months. After birth they breast feed and latch on to the body off the mother for safety. The offsprings become dependent on themselves after 9 months. After pollinated, the opium produces a roughly cylindrical fruit to protect the seeds. This fruit produces a latex product that is harvested from the formation of this fruit until it is fully grown. As fall nears, the fruiting body of the plant dries out. Once completely dried out, the plant releases thousands of seeds that are carried by wind and water to a location suitable for germination. Once the seeds are released the plant dies.