Computing session 4
Scratch game Evaluate at least 2 games On one post-it note – a strong feature of the game On another post-it note – a suggestion to make it even better! Post your game onto the Moodle forum
Aims of computing curriculum
Reminder - algorithms What is an algorithm? What is it called when it’s on a digital device?
How have you demonstrated understanding of big ideas in computer science? See also sheet of computer science definitions on Moodle – includes more
More algorithms! Crossing the road. What if there are traffic lights with a button for pedestrians? Everyday rules: e.g. how to enter the classroom after play time Musical/dance algorithms (folk dance/Hokey Cokey): Can pupils write the algorithm, sequence picture cards, create new dance routines? Can pupils debug your incorrect sequences? Human Bee Bots
Unplugged reinforcement of concepts
Human crane Human crane activity (from What are the big computer science ideas? Idea taken from Code-it
Pedestrian crossing Using post-it notes and large piece of paper, what’s an algorithm for crossing the road, where there’s a pedestrian crossing?
Getting out of bed and getting to uni Algorithm? How can we break it down into parts? Big idea in computer science?
General knowledge quiz Big idea in computer science? Idea taken from Barefoot computing