What is a primary election? The purpose of a primary is to allow each political party to determine who would be the best candidate to represent their party. For example, 8 Republicans may want to run for President, but each party is only allowed 1 nominee, the primary helps determine this nominee
PRIMARY v. CAUCUS PRIMARY ELECTIONS are elections where voters cast their vote privately and the election runs throughout a day. CAUCUSES are public meetings held a specific time, If you leave the meeting your vote doesn’t count.
TYPES OF PRIMARIES CLOSED only members of the party can vote in that party’s primary. SEMI-CLOSED Members of the party and independent candidates can vote in the primary.
TYPES OF PRIMARIES CONT OPEN -any registered voter can vote in either party’s primary.
PRIMARIES NEW HAMPSHIRE always holds the 1st primary. In their state constitution. IOWA holds the first caucus.
SUPER TUESDAY Each state has a primary or caucus which start in January and go to June. There is one day called SUPER TUESDAY where many states hold a primary. Each party then holds a convention where they announce their candidate for President.
GENERAL ELECTIONS The purpose: To vote for the candidates and determine a winner for each office. Presidential Elections Held every 4 years 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday of November.