sgsdg Weekly Food Dave Wilkinson
WEEK 1. God, who we can trust, teaches us to protect our hearts. In Proverbs 4:23 it says, “protect your heart…” What heart is this? The heart God is talking about here is NOT your blood pumping heart that we study in biology. It is talking about your inner life – the part of you that we cannot cut up and look at under a microscope. It is the invisible part of us that is, it is who we are. It is the part of you that feels and thinks and acts. What do we protect it from? Lies. Lies on T.V. Lies at school. Lies from friends. Lies from teachers. Lies on Facebook. Lies on YouTube. Lies on movies. Please protect your heart today.
WEEK 2. Trust God. Again I say it – trust God. It is not hard for me to say this to you and it is good for you to hear this. Proverbs 3:5 says that we can trust in the Lord. The Lord is our God, the one who made us. Why should we trust God? God made us and so cares for us. God is good, all the time. God saves us from Satan – our evil enemy. God is light and love and the way, the truth and the life. God does not change. Our parents change, our friends change, we change – but God never changes and so we can trust him.