Your Success is our Guarantee! Jackson College SENSE Findings (Survey of Entering Student Engagement) 2016 Your Success is our Guarantee!
1st Benchmark Early Connections Students' description of their early college experiences Results: JC: 62.6 Medium Size College Cohort: 50.8 High Performing Colleges*: 66.7 *Top 10% of the National Cohort by Benchmark * Early College experiences include, first campus visits, Placement tests, Orientations, Registering for classes with Navigators *What are the Michigan Medium size Colleges? Jackson College is a Medium Sized College. Look to List.
2nd Benchmark High Expectations and Aspirations Students' perceptions of clear, high expectations from college staff and faculty. Students believe they will succeed and have the motivation to do so. Results: JC: 46.2* Medium Size College Cohort: 49.7 High Performing Colleges: 57.0 *Only low performing benchmark, more info on next slide. The four of us do not know the causes for students lowered expectations about their own performance and evaluations of their success. Is it because of a Fear Factor? Is it because we bend over backwards conveying that we will help them through every hoop? Is it because of a sense of unpreparedness (High school)? These are exactly the kinds of questions that faculty, staff, navigators, will be exploring.
Questions Referring to High Expectations and Aspirations Below the Cohort Norm: I am prepared academically to succeed in College. Turn in an assignment late. Not turn in an assignment. Skip class. Come to class without completing readings or assignments. Above the Cohort Norm: The Instructors of the College want me to succeed. Possible remediation might include, Holistic scoring of transcripts, discussions with High School counselors, Use of Cradle to Career. Understanding of Growth mindset. SEM 140 instructors give reduced credit for an assignment coming in one class period late. Of course these are the kinds of specific questions and student responses that various stakeholder groups will be examining to make improvements.
3rd Benchmark Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Students perceive that they have a critical tool for staying on track, a road map for courses and end goal Results: JC:52.3 Medium Size College Cohort: 49.9 High Performing Colleges: 62.0 After all of our work with Navigators and pathways, and clear pathway maps, we thought that this score might be higher. There may be a language disconnect… The SENSE refers to Advising and Advisors, we use the term Navigators. The SENSE also inquires whether students have learned job growth. E.G. for instance form their advisors, but often this is discussed and researched in student’s SEM 140 class.
4th Benchmark Effective Track to College Readiness College implements effective strategies to ensure that students build academic skills and receive support Results: JC: 54.2 Medium Size College Cohort: 50.2 High Performing Colleges: 59.1 This area includes essential services, course placement, tutoring, Center for Student Success, etc….
5th Benchmark Engaged Learning Instruction fosters engaged learning and students find ways to balance studies with work and family responsibilities. Results: JC: 56.8 Medium Size College Cohort: 50.5 High Performing Colleges: 60.2 Areas to investigate here will include Foundation Studies Committee, SEM 140, Reading, Writing, Developmental Faculty. Navigators conversations with their Advisees, also offer insight about student course load, and family/work balance. Student Athletes are also may need guidance in maintaining this balance. * Note for KATE Discuss Data Narrative Exercise. How to share data in a meaningful way….
6th Benchmark Academic and Social Support Network Students understand how to obtain information about college services, tutoring, academic and social support Results: JC: 56.7 Medium Size College Cohort: 50.8 High Performing Colleges: 58.4 This information is relayed at Orientation, with Navigators, and in SEM 140 and DE classes.
Comparison with SENSE Results 2009, 2010 SENSE Benchmark 2009 2010 2016 Early Connections 48.3 50.8 62.6 High Expectations and Aspirations 52.7 54.1 46.2 Clear Academic Plan & Pathway 54.2 51.9 52.3 Effective Track to College Readiness 51.0 51.8 Engaged Learning 47.9 51.7 56.8 Academic & Social Support Network 55.7 54.9 56.7 Clear Pathways went down, is this because of Language disconnect? Lets take a look at the kinds of questions that students responded to, in Benchmark High expectations, and aspirations.
Next Steps Meet with these Internal Stakeholders to share specific Questions and Results: Admissions Orientation Guided Pathway/Navigators/Advising Faculty in 1st Semester Courses: SEM 140 and DE Math, Writing, and Reading Financial Aid Student Services * Note for KATE Discuss Data Narrative Exercise. How to share data in a meaningful way….
Questions? Heads-Up: The CCSSE (Community College Survey of Student Engagement) administered mid-to end of February, 2017 CCFSSE (Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement) administered same time frame Results Expected August 2017 Results to be shared in work sessions, Faculty Days and Convocation 2017