A ‘Mrs Berry’ introduction! Year 4/5 Dominic class A ‘Mrs Berry’ introduction!
TIMETABLE Mrs Berry Mrs West Mrs Anand Mrs Jenkins 8.40-10.30am BREAK 10.45am - 12.15pm LUNCH 1.15 – 3.15pm Monday Register/ morning activity 9.00-9.30 Gospel Assembly 9.30-9.45 CLIC Maths 9.45-10.30 Guided reading 10.45-11.10 SPaG/Literacy 11.10-12.15 Science 1.15-2.15 Topic 2.15-3.00 Tuesday Spag 9.30-10.30 11.05-12.15 R.E 1.15-2.45 2.45-3.15 KS2 Assembly Wednesday Class Worship Maths INVESTIGATION Indoor PE 2.15-3.15 Thursday 9.00-10.00 10.00-10.30 R.E. 10.45-11.15 10.45-11.45 1.15-1.45 Hymn Practice 1.45-2.45 Outdoor PE Library time 2.45-3.15 Friday 9.00- 9.30 Praise Assembly BEAT THAT BIG MATHS! 10.45-11.05 Guided Reading 11.05-11.15 Spelling test SPaG/Literacy 11.15-12.15 1.15-2.30 2.30-3.00 Golden Time 3.00-3.15 Story
Maths, English and Topic handed out on Fridays and due in on Thursdays. Spellings a pack of the whole term’s spelling lists are handed out at start of term. Children are expected to keep the whole pack and work through each week in preparation for Friday spelling tests. At the end of the term I would like to see the spelling pack back as evidence they have completed their spelling homework. Times tables expectation to practice daily at home to complement the daily CLIC sessions in school. Also in preparation for the times table tests on Friday You will be informed of your child’s test results regularly and if I have any concerns of any of the results, you will be informed. Homework
Frozen Kingdom Dominic class: Spring 1 Topic RE LIBRARY TIME: We will start our Topic by finding out about the Polar Regions and comparing climate, plant life, population, and the types of wildlife found in these regions. We will find out what it was like for Scott and his team as they travelled to the Antarctic and we will find out why their expedition was doomed. We will then learn all about the maiden voyage of the Titanic and find out about the very different conditions experienced by the rich and poor passengers. Frozen Kingdom Dominic class: Spring 1 RE We start the term by revisiting the Christmas story and comparing and contrasting different Gospel accounts of the birth of Christ. We will look in greater detail at the images of Christ found in the Prologue to St John’s Gospel. We will focus on parables and Jesus’ teachings and how we can take on some of the messages into our own lives. Later in the term, we will develop our understanding of the actions, signs and symbols used in Baptism and Confirmation, and explain their meaning. Art and D&T: We will study the art of Linda Lang, the acclaimed expedition and climate change artist. We will use her work as inspiration for our own artistic compositions, whilst practising the skill of mixing paint to create different shades of colour. We will then link in our science work to design and create our very own made-up creature adapted to a freezing climate. Science and ICT: We will learn how species have adapted to survive in their environment, and examine how those adaptations can prove useful in the game of survival. We will then present our findings of our chosen animal in a PowerPoint presentation. We will also construct food chains, for a chosen animal or plant from a frozen land, to show how species are interdependent on each other as food sources. We will consider what would happen if one of the components in a food chain were removed. PE : Please make sure you have trainers and warm clothing for outdoor PE Indoor PE: Circuit training and Gymnastics (Wednesday afternoon) Outdoor PE: Benchball and Basketball (Thursday afternoons) LIBRARY TIME: Thursday afternoon (after PE) Numeracy C(COUNTING) Counting in multiples up to x12 L(EARN-ITS) Quick mental recall of times tables and family facts I (IT’S NOTHING NEW) x10 x100 x1000 ÷10 ÷100 ÷1000 C (CALCULATION) Add and subtract up to 4 digit We will develop our skills using the basics of place value up to 1 million. We will become very confident multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. We will then develop our calculations using decimals and money. We will link our CLIC learning and calculations in word problems and weekly investigations. Literacy We begin our term by reading poetry about cold environments. We will compose our own poems based on ‘The Ice Cart’ by Wilfred Gibson. We will then write a newspaper report about the mysterious events in ‘The Ice Palace’ by Robert Swindells. Later in the term, we will write diary entries from the point of view of passengers or crew members on the ‘Titanic’. We will be learning how to use a wider range of punctuation in our writing and will become more confident using commas, brackets and dashes for parenthesis. This term, we will be making sure that we read regularly and vary the types of books that we read. We will make sure that we understand what we read by practising the skills of inference and prediction.