Position Papers! 2016-2017
What is a Position Paper? This is a formal research paper that should include in-text citations and a Works Cited page in MLA format. Position Papers are turned in before the conference and are used as part of the evaluation process. Gives facts about the country and the topic 1-1.5 pages Includes proposals for resolutions (ideas of what should be done in the future) Resolutions are actions for ALL countries, not just your country You will write this in groups of 2-3 that I have assigned
What are citations? Works-Cited Page In-text A citation within the text of your paper (usually at the end of a sentence in parentheses) that indicates where you found the information. You must use an in-text citation when you QUOTE OR PARAPHRASE. Works-Cited Page Page at the end of your essay with detailed information about all the sources you used in your paper.
In-text Citation Examples (Online Sources) If you have the author’s last name, put it at the end of the sentence in parentheses: One article states that youth in Mali who are unable to find jobs often turn to criminal activity or join radical groups in order to survive (Balt). If you don’t have the author’s last name, use the title of the article in quotations, in parentheses: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “an estimated 200,000 homicides occur each year among youth and young adults aged 10-29 years” (“Youth Violence”).
Works Cited Balt, Marije. “Youth Unemployment in Mali: a magnet for criminals and terrorists.” The Broker, 23 Apr. 2015, http://www.thebrokeronline.eu/Blogs/Sahel-Watch-a-living-analysis-of-the-conflict-in-Mali/Youth-unemployment-in-Mali-a-magnet-for-criminals-and-terrorists. Accessed 13 Nov. 2016. “Youth Violence.” World Health Organization, 2016. http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/violence/youth/en. Accessed 13 Nov. 2016.
PP Paragraph Breakdown 1. Introduction 2. Domestic Action 3. International Action & Collaboration 4. Future Resolutions 5. Conclusion (Optional) 6. Works Cited (and in-text citations throughout)
Introduction Introduce the topic; give background information How does the issue affect your country? Write from your country’s point of view. Example: if you are debating juvenile crime and you have a country in which there is a low juvenile crime rate, explain what measures your country and similar countries have taken to reduce this number
Domestic Action: On a National Level (Is this topic an issue for your country?) Past policies and actions related to the issue in your country. What actions has your country taken to address the issue on a national level? Be sure to mention both WHY and WHAT happened. Current situation and actions in your country. Has your country recently created new policies or passed new laws regarding this issue? Statistics and quotes to back up your country’s position. What percentage of the population in your country is affected by this issue? Is it increasing or decreasing?
International Action & Collaboration Past resolutions and agreements that your country took part in. What conferences has your country attended to discuss this issue? What UN conventions, treaties and/or resolutions has your country supported or ratified (signed) on this issue? Does your country have any agreements with other countries regarding this issue? If so, list them. Do you have any quotes from government officials on this issue? Current global issues related to your topic.
Future Resolutions Recommendations for Action This is what your country believes should be done about the issue. Focus on working together with other countries/organizations. Actions must focus on all countries, not only your country’s specific needs. Give at least TWO proposals for future actions to solve the problem. What, Who, When, How Give details and be creative! Don’t forget about the money! Have your government officials or UN delegates recommended a course of action?
Conclusion (Optional) Summarize your country’s position.
Reminder: some good sources… https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ CIA World Factbook Interactive World Map with statistics World Bank - Economic Data for countries U.S. State Department website UN Member States "On the Record" http://www.unausa.org/global-classrooms-model-un/how-to- participate/model-un-preparation/research
Writing your introduction
Overview The introduction of your Global Classrooms’ position paper should provide a synopsis of the basic facts of the topic of debate, with a slight skew (or prejudice/bias) towards your own country’s position. It should address the main issues of the debate, why the UN should care, why your country cares, and should end with your country’s position.
The introduction should be 4-5 sentences, or 2-3 longer, more developed sentences. This page contains a guided outline of how you should structure your introduction, along with questions you should be answering. The following page contains an example. DO NOT simply copy the information from the example or you will receive no credit.
Sample Introduction (about a fake topic) The phenomenon known as “dabbing” is affecting the behavior of youth all over the world. Although the dab originated in American Hip-Hop, professional athletes spread its popularity so that you can now find children as young as five year’s old dabbing everyday. As a teacher, dabbing affects how I do my job. When Honorable Delegate Ben arrived at María Zambrano in 2016 I had never heard of dabbing, but after seeing my students do it everyday I realized that students dab when they are misbehaving. Dabbing should be an issue of serious concern to the international community. Honorable Delegate Mary believes this practice causes a disruption in the classroom and distracts young people from getting a good education.
First sentence First Sentence: Why is it important for the world to combat violence against women? How serious is this problem? Make sure to have an interesting/exciting first sentence that grabs the reader’s attention Start off general and assume the reader doesn’t know anything
Second Sentence Second Sentence: What is the debate over ending violence against women about? Provide a quick summary of the debate so that your reader knows where you are coming from and what the tension or problem is. Think of the subtopics (traditional forms of violence, non-traditional forms of violence! Why does something need to be done?
Third and Fourth Sentence Third/Fourth Sentence: Why does your country care about combatting violence against women? Does your country suffer from this issue? What is more common in your country: traditional, or non-traditional forms of violence? This is a good place to use quotes or statistics to support what you are saying
Fourth and Fifth Sentence Fourth/Fifth Sentence: What is your country’s opinion/attitude towards this topic? Does your country believe that we should talk about this problem? Remember to have a strong ending that will stick in the reader’s mind. Is your country in favor of taking action in the debate? Will your country try to solve the problems before it is too late?
Requirements With your partner or partners, you must create a shared document on Google Drive, and share it with me at Shermanben4@gmail.com A first draft of your introduction is due on this date: For 3º D and E: Tuesday, Nov. 22 For 3º C: Weds, Nov. 23 You do not have to print out the intro. You must share the document with me before this date.
Position Paper Groups 3º C Group 1A: Patricia Alarcón, Aleksander Campo, Jorge González Group 1B: Luis Moreno, Andrea Sacido Group 2A: Paula Aparicio, Alejandro Figueras Group 2B: Luisa Fernanda Gutiérrez, Paula Muñoz, Álvaro Salva Group 3A: Lucía Barranco, Adrián Galán Group 3B: Óscar López, Sergio Palacios, Javier Suñez Group 4A: María Burgueño, Jorge Gallego, Camila López Group 4B: Clara Ramos, Alejandro Cabañas, Carolina Garduño Group 6A: Sergio López, María Ramos, Marina Calderón Group 6B: Kevin Gómez, Itziar Melguizo, Victor Royo
Position Paper Groups 3º D Group 1 A: Iván Arenas, José Dorado, Sergio León Nieva Group 1B: Rodrigo Piñel, Iván Pleguezuelo Group 2 A: Álvaro Arribas, Nerea Fernández, Tomás Giraldo Group 2 B: Lizbeth Macias, Mía McGrath, Rubén Rey Group 3 A: Marcos Benítez, Marta Fernández, Sergio Gómez Group 3 B:Leire Gómez, Sofía Moreno, Alejandro Timón Group 4 A: Dina Boudallah, Ricardo Cobos, Pablo Ibañez Group 4 B: Paula Fernández, Sergio Fernández Group 5 A: Cármen Fonseca, Itziar Hernández, Marwa Lazrak Group 5 B: Ana Muñoz, Cristina Ovejero
Position Paper Groups for 3º E Group 1 A: Asier, Lidia, Manuel Group 1 B: Ángela, Diana Group 2 A: Andrea, Sergio, Jaime Group 2 B: Alba, Audrey Group 3 A: Enya, Adrián, Alejandro Group 3 B: Marina, Víctor Group 4 A: Rubén, Alba, Selene Group 4 B: Diego, Marina Group 5 A: Adrián, Laura, Lucía Group 5 A: Mario, Abigail