Title I, Part A End-of-Year (EOY) Report iGrants Form Package (FP) 244 Updates, Tips, and reminders School Year 2016–17
Why is important to complete and submit FP 244? Districts must report the numbers of students served in instructional programs funded by Title I, Part A during the regular school year. This information is required by the U.S. Department of Education (ED). This information is reported in ED’s Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR): Part I request Information related to the five Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Goals. Part II of the CSPR consists of information related to state activities and outcomes of specific ESEA programs. Part of OSPI’s monitoring process required under federal law. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Timeliness and New Process FP 244 EOY Report opens May 1, 2017, in iGrants. The report is under fiscal year 2017–18. The due date is Friday, June 16, 2017. Other Options, If your district closes the school year after June 16: Look at the district data up to the date of submission (June 16, 2017) and project the number of students the district knows are still in the program and enter your totals. Or Please submit as soon as the district closes the year, before you leave for summer break. We appreciate your diligence. New FP244 Dateline Process That can Affect your Submission of the Title I, Part A FP 201 Districts must turn in the FP244 EOY before SAS for Title I, Part A 2017-18 will be approved. OSPI will only approve the Title I, Part A FP201 for SY2017-18 if the FP244 from the school year 2016-17 has been approved (i.e. any follow-up from FP244 must be completed). OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Important Things to Remember Changes to data shown in green cannot be made directly in iGrants. If errors are noted, corrections must be made in the district student information system and then resubmitted to CEDARS. For assistance, contact your district's CEDARS representative or see the CEDARS Manual for instructions. Once data is updated in CEDARS, the changes will be reflected in FP 244. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
What we will cover today 1. Tips and Reminders with Lisa Ireland 2. Section Updates with Penelope Mena Page 1–Schoolwide Program Page 5–Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Sanctions OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Title I, Part A EOY Report–FP 244 CEDARS is used to populate specific sections of FP 244. Data is submitted to CEDARS from your student information systems (SIS). CEDARS is found within the Education Data System (EDS), under the “My Applications” list. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Title I, Part A EOY Report–FP 244 Sections populated from CEDARS are: Section I.A.–Targeted Assistance Public Schools Section I.B.–New for 2016–17, students identified as receiving Title I, Part A Supplemental services in CEDARS will not be populated to the EOY report Section I.D.–Local Neglected Program Section I.E.–Students receiving English Language (EL) services also served in Title I, Part A Section II–Descriptive Data and Student Support Services Section III.A.–Targeted Assistance Public Schools OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Title I, Part A EOY Report–FP 244 How can I view the data in CEDARS? Your CEDARS District Administrator can assist you in viewing the reports. What reports should I ask for? Ask for the reports pertinent to the program/funding your schools receive. Title I, Part A Targeted–Additional Program Assistance Title I, Part A–Services Provided to Local Neglected School Students OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Title I, Part A EOY Report–FP 244 Reports are found in CEDARS. Each report allows you to view district- or school-level data by summary or student detail count, by all programs or by specific programs, such as Reading or Math. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Title I, Part A EOY Report–FP 244 The student-level report provides details for each student submitted to CEDARS, identified as receiving the selected Title I, Part A service, during the school year in review. This includes students who may no longer be enrolled in your district but received services during the year. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Title I, Part A EOY Report–FP 244 If student data populated within FP 244 is incorrect, corrections must be made within the SIS and resubmitted to CEDARS. Data resubmitted to CEDARS will then flow through, or re-populate, the information contained in FP 244. Reports are available in CEDARS that will allow you to review the summary and student-level Title I, Part A data submitted by your district. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Updates to FP 244 School Year 2016-17 Page 1 Section I.B. Student Data: Schoolwide Programs SY16-17–Continue usual submissions to CEDARS for SW Students Attended and Received Supplemental Services Starting 2016-17 only total school enrollment (attended) will be displayed. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Starting SY 2017-18 FP 244 EOY Report Page 1 Section I.B. Student Data: Schoolwide Programs Starting SY2017-18–No submissions to CEDARS for SW Students Attended and Received Supplemental Services Only total school enrollment will be displayed in FP244. OSPI will pull some of the data from FP 201 to prepopulate FP244 FP 201 Page 6-Public Schools, make sure schoolwide (Yes/No) information is accurate OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Updates to FP 244 School Year 2016-17 Page 5 Section VI. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Sanctions Revised Questions, see image below (PSC and SES are no longer reported). Other active sections: Corrective Action, Restructuring and District in Improvement 1&2. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Reminders Required Pages Must be done before the district can submit to OSPI Contact Page Contact information should be current (contact person, title, email, phone numbers, etc.) Report–Pages 1 through 5 Data must match the district’s program data documentation Each page should be “saved and marked completed” Instructions are available at the top of Page 1 and under the “profile page” icon Double check your work Checklist used by OSPI OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018
Questions and Technical Assistance Technical Assistance with FP 244 Lisa Ireland, Research Analyst lisa.Ireland@k12.wa.us, 360-725-6358 Other Questions on FP 244 Title I, Part A Program Supervisors Larry Fazzari, 360-725-6189 Jamey Schoeneberg, 360-725-6104 Jason Miller, 360-725-6232 Mary Jo Johnson, 360-725-6103 Nate Marciochi 360-725-6172 Penelope Mena, 360-725-6069 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/13/2018