AIChE Contest Organization Terry A. Ring University of Utah
Project Organization Senior Design Project
Project Schedule CH EN 5253 Design II - Spring 2018 Week Day Lecture Topic Assignments Due Date Lecture No. Screen Cast 12 26-Mar AIChE Contest Problem Kick Off Design Contest Problems Assigned 28-Mar AIChE Contest Problem for 30 Days Sieder Chapter 23 30-Mar Memo 1 Due - Planning Memo Memo 1 13 2-Apr 4-Apr 6-Apr Memo 2 Due - Progress Report -1 Memo 2 14 9-Apr 11-Apr 13-Apr Memo 3 Due - Progress Report-2 Memo 3 15 16-Apr 18-Apr 20-Apr Memo 4 Due - Progress Report-3 Memo 4 16 23-Apr 24-Apr Last Day of Classes (Tuesday) Contest Projects due at Midnight Report Due No Final Exam
Deliverables Memo Due Each Friday for Each Team (5% of Grade) Friday 3/30 Planning Memo Example in Lectures Section of Course Website 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 Progress Report Memos 4/24 Final Report Due at Midnight (45% of Grade) Electronic copy in Canvas For submission to AICHE All HW Before Spring Break (50% of Grade)
Planning Memo – Due Friday 3/30 Introduction Paragraph The plan Paragraph of Plan overview Short Paragraph for each task Gantt Chart Sequential Order of Tasks Times Required for Each Task Conclusion Paragraph Task wk 1 wk 2 wk 3 wk 4 Design Research Reactor Kinetics x Aspen Simulation of Reactor Aspen Simulation of Separation System Heat Integration Plant-wide Control Plant Hazard Analysis and Chemical Safety Costing of Reactor Separation System Other Report Writing
Progress Report Memo Introduction Body Conclusion Give and Report on the Updated Old Gantt Chart State past progress and list what has been finished Discuss the progress since the last progress report. Explain any overdue problems Why they occurred Implication on project Efforts you will use to overcome problems Conclusion Give prognosis for total project Progress Report Memo 1 After 1st Week Task wk 1 wk 2 wk 3 wk 4 Design Research Reactor Kinetics 85% Aspen Simulation of Reactor 5% x Aspen Simulation of Separation System Heat Integration Plant-wide Control Plant Hazard Analysis and Chemical Safety 25% Costing of Reactor Separation System Other Report Writing
Competition Rules Project Rules Departments, including advisors, faculty, or any other instructor, cannot provide technical aid specifically directed at the solution of the national student design competition. The problem may not be discussed with anyone (students, faculty, or others, in or out of class) before or during the period allowed for solutions.
1. Letter of Transmittal 2. Cover Page 3. Table of Contents 4. Abstract 5. Introduction 6. Process Flow Diagram and Material Balances 7. Process Description 8. Energy Balance and Utility Requirements 9. Equipment List and Unit Descriptions 10. Equipment Specification Sheets 11. Equipment Cost Summary 12. Fixed Capital Investment Summary 13. Safety, Health, and Environmental Considerations 14. Other Important Considerations 15. Manufacturing Costs (exclusive of Capital Requirements) 16. Economic Analysis 17. Conclusions and Recommendations 18. Acknowledgements 19. Bibliography 20. Appendix (this can be a separate pdf or word document) Report Format The body of the report must be suitable for reproduction, that is, computer-generated and in a printable format. Tables, supporting calculations and other appendix material may be handwritten. This report should follow the outline suggested in Seider, Seader and Lewin [Sieder, Ch 23]. Further details on what should be included in the design report can be found in that text. Write the document from the point of view of the organization’s engineer making a report and recommendation to their own organization management. The solution itself must bear no reference to the students’ names and institution by which it might be identified. Please expunge all such references to the degree possible. Final submission of solutions to AIChE must be in electronic format (PDF and MS-Word). The main text must be 125 pages or less, and an additional 100 page or less is allowed for supplementary material only. The final submission to AIChE must consist of no more than 2 electronic files.
Project Report Grading Process Simulation Explain Reaction Route Chosen, Mass & Energy Balance PFD/P&IDs Process Control Process Safety PRVs Flare CAPEX/OPEX Environmental Discharges Air (pollutants and Carbon Footprint) Water Consequence Analysis Report Quality 25% 20% 10%
Consequences Analysis Sheet Release Rate Gas Flammability Test Consequence Input Down Wind Concentrations Bursting Vessel Fireball Damage Explosion Blast Damage Release due to Punctured Tank Ruptured Line Consequences Considered Down Wind Concentration Exfixiant Poison Vessel Explosion Damage to surrondings Projectiles Fire Ball Damage Explosion due to Vapor Cloud