www.coachnetwork.org 13/11/2018 www.coachnetwork.org Why we do it What we do it How we do it www.coachnetwork.org www.coachnetwork.org
Freeing the Captives Lk 4:18 13/11/2018 Loving our Neighbourhoods Jn 1:14 Making Room Mt 25:35 Freeing the Captives Lk 4:18 proclaim good news to the poor ... to proclaim freedom for the captives. …to set the oppressed free, (Luke 4:19). 1 call to child protection every 2 minutes, 40,000 calls per year 50 % get actioned. Services are overwhelmed. Royal Commission on Institituional Abuse was overwhelmed by 30,000 calls. 60% faith based. 1 n 3 women have been sexually or physically assaulted by a partner or former partner. Ali Storty For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. Matthew 25:35 God was made flesh and moved into the neighbourhood. John 1:14 ; Love your neighbour. www.coachnetwork.org www.coachnetwork.org
13/11/2018 COACH stands for Creating Opportunities and Casting Hope Our vision is to see people in tough places flourish through mentoring Mobilizing ordinary Christians to do extra-ordinary local mission We are not interested in the super hero pioneering missionary but in the ordinary Christian who can sacrifice 1 to 2 hours per day to mentor and young person or family doing it tough. Let’s move from the back foot to the front foot. www.coachnetwork.org www.coachnetwork.org
13/11/2018 Mentors are friends with purpose who offer support to kids, young people, families or ex-offenders and mentoring towards life goals. A trusted friend, role model, listener, advocate and supporter www.coachnetwork.org www.coachnetwork.org
Baptist initiative export to the UK and South Africa. 13/11/2018 36 Churches with over 700 mentors supporting 500 families and 100 young people in 60 locations, including 10 in the UK 80% of graduates achieve significant goals 60% participating in a Christian Community 27% increase in resilience Formed 6 Missional Communities Evaluated by Monash University Baptist initiative export to the UK and South Africa. www.coachnetwork.org www.coachnetwork.org
Implementation Plan Pray www.coachnetwork.org
Implementation Plan 2. Identify your Target Group Youth COACH Kids COACH Youth COACH Family COACH COACH for ex-offenders www.coachnetwork.org
3. Appoint COACH Coordinator Implementation Plan 3. Appoint COACH Coordinator www.coachnetwork.org
4. Recruitment of Mentors and the Preparation of Participants Implementation Plan 4. Recruitment of Mentors and the Preparation of Participants www.coachnetwork.org
5. Screening and Training of Mentors Implementation Plan 5. Screening and Training of Mentors www.coachnetwork.org
Compassion Perseverance Non - Judgmental Strength - Focused 13/11/2018 COACH Training Compassion Perseverance Non - Judgmental Strength - Focused Worlds End Story www.coachnetwork.org
COACH Training REAL Mentoring 13/11/2018 COACH Training REAL Mentoring Worlds End Story www.coachnetwork.org
COACH Training Boundaries 13/11/2018 COACH Training Boundaries Worlds End Story www.coachnetwork.org
Implementation Plan 6. Matching Match on Paper 13/11/2018 Implementation Plan 6. Matching Referral by local agency Participant applies and assessed as suitable Mentors recruited Mentors trained, Screened And Assessed Match on Paper Mentor and Participant meet, facilitated by Coordinator www.coachnetwork.org www.coachnetwork.org
Implementation Plan 7. Monitoring Outcomes Input Outcomes Staff and Volunteer Approved Mentors Output and Activity Matches & type of support Outcomes Significant Goals Achieved Impact Missional Communities Resilience % www.coachnetwork.org
8. Supervision and Support 13/11/2018 Implementation Plan 8. Supervision and Support www.coachnetwork.org www.coachnetwork.org
www.coachnetwork.org 13/11/2018 www.coachnetwork.org Why we do it What we do it How we do it www.coachnetwork.org www.coachnetwork.org