Exercise and Weight Management Sources: ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities Center For Disease Control Healthy Weight Website
Who should be considering participation in a Weight Management Program? Weight loss should not be the goal for everyone as you may be healthy at your current weight. Consider exercise for weight management purposes if: Percent Body Fat Men: Greater than 25% Women: Greater than 32% Waist Circumference Men: Greater than 47in Women: Greater than 43.5in
Benefits of Exercise Helps control and maintain weight Helps effectively handle stress Reduces the risk of many medical conditions Improves mobility and flexibility Enhances overall quality of life Promotes psychological well-being Decreases fat mass
Initial Weekly Exercise Recommendations Aerobic Activity 5 or more days per week 30-60 minutes per day or 2x20-30 minutes per day total of 200-300 minutes per week Moderate intensity Low impact (walking, cycling, rowing, water based) Flexibility All major muscle groups Strength Training 1-2 days per week 2-3 sets 12-15 reps of all major muscle groups Compound movements that mimic and improve activities of daily living preferred **Gradually progress intensity and duration
Sample Week Beginning Progressed Day 1- 30 minutes brisk walking Day 2- 20 minutes of elliptical and 20 minutes of weight lifting Day 3- 30 minute cycle class Day 4- 20 minutes elliptical and 20 minutes lifting Day 5- 40 minutes brisk walking Progressed Day 1- 60 minutes brisk walking Day 2- 30 minutes of elliptical and 30 minutes of weight lifting Day 3- 45-60 minute cycle class Day 4- 30 minutes elliptical and 30 minutes lifting Day 5- 60 minutes brisk walking
Other Considerations Previous injuries Overuse injuries Adequate warm-up and cool down Hydration Temperature and Humidity Clothing (loose fitting) Other co-existing diseases Consult with your doctor if you are unsure if you should begin an exercise program
Caloric Balance To maintain long-term motivation and results, it is recommended to begin with an increased caloric burn of 2000 calories per week and progress gradually (caloric deficit) Calories burned increases as intensity increases Calories burned increases as body weight increases Calories burned in 30 minutes for 154lb adult: Hiking 185 Yard Work 165 Light Bicycle 145 Light Walking 140 Brisk Walking 255 Swimming 255 Dancing 165
Expected Outcomes Reduced risk of disease Improve ability to perform daily living tasks Increase self-esteem and confidence
Setting your S.M.A.R.T Goal Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Timely Example: I will loss 3 pounds in 6-weeks by exercising 3 days per week and making healthier food choices 80% of the time.