CS252 Graduate Computer Architecture Lecture 7 Dynamic Scheduling 2: Precise Interrupts John Kubiatowicz Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~kubitron/cs252
Review: Tomasulo Organization FP Registers From Mem FP Op Queue Load Buffers Load1 Load2 Load3 Load4 Load5 Load6 Store Buffers Add1 Add2 Add3 Mult1 Mult2 Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Reservation Stations To Mem FP adders FP multipliers Common Data Bus (CDB) 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Review: Three Stages of Tomasulo Algorithm 1. Issue—get instruction from FP Op Queue If reservation station free (no structural hazard), control issues instr & sends operands (renames registers). 2. Execution—operate on operands (EX) When both operands ready then execute; if not ready, watch Common Data Bus for result 3. Write result—finish execution (WB) Write on Common Data Bus to all awaiting units; mark reservation station available Normal data bus: data + destination (“go to” bus) Common data bus: data + source (“come from” bus) 64 bits of data + 4 bits of Functional Unit source address Write if matches expected Functional Unit (produces result) Does the broadcast 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Review: Renaming Purpose of Renaming: removing “Anti-dependencies” Get rid of WAR and WAW hazards, since these are not “real” dependencies Implicit Renaming: i.e. Tomasulo Registers changed into values or response tags We call this “implicit” because space in register file may or may not be used by results! Explicit Renaming: more physical registers than needed by ISA. Rename table: tracks current association between architectural registers and physical registers Uses a translation table to perform compiler-like transformation on the fly With Explicit Renaming: All registers concentrated in single register file Can utilize bypass network that looks more like 5-stage pipeline Introduces a register-allocation problem Need to handle branch misprediction and precise exceptions differently, but ultimately makes things simpler 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
How important is renaming? Consider execution without it latency 1 LD F2, 34(R2) 1 2 LD F4, 45(R3) long 3 MULTD F6, F4, F2 3 4 SUBD F8, F2, F2 1 5 DIVD F4, F2, F8 4 6 ADDD F10, F6, F4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 WAR hazard delays issue of 5 In-order: 1 (2,1) . . . . . . 2 3 4 4 3 5 . . . 5 6 6 Out-of-order: 1 (2,1) 4 4 . . . . 2 3 . . 3 5 . . . 5 6 6 Out-of-order execution did not allow any significant improvement! 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
How many instructions can be in the pipeline? Which features of an ISA limit the number of instructions in the pipeline? Which features of a program limit the number of Number of Registers Control transfers Ilustrates how one feature alone may not help – happens today when people study single new idea in a very detailed model. Out-of-order dispatch by itself does not provide any significant performance improvement ! 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Throughput (T) = Number in Flight (N) / Latency (L) Little’s Law Throughput (T) = Number in Flight (N) / Latency (L) WB Execution Issue Example: 4 floating point registers 8 cycles per floating point operation maximum of ½ issue per cycle without renaming! 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Instruction-level Parallelism via Renaming latency 1 LD F2, 34(R2) 1 2 LD F4, 45(R3) long 3 MULTD F6, F4, F2 3 4 SUBD F8, F2, F2 1 5 DIVD F4’, F2, F8 4 6 ADDD F10, F6, F4’ 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 X In-order: 1 (2,1) . . . . . . 2 3 4 4 3 5 . . . 5 6 6 Out-of-order: 1 (2,1) 4 4 5 . . . 2 (3,5) 3 6 6 Any antidependence can be eliminated by renaming. (renaming additional storage) Can be done either in Software or Hardware 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Review: Loop Example Cycle 9 Dataflow graph constructed completely in hardware Renaming detaches early iterations from registers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Data-Flow Architectures Basic Idea: Hardware respresents direct encoding of compiler dataflow graphs: Data flows along arcs in “Tokens”. When two tokens arrive at compute box, box “fires” and produces new token. Split operations produce copies of tokens Input: a,b y:= (a+b)/x x:= (a*(a+b))+b output: y,x + * / A B X(0) Y X 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Paper by Dennis and Misunas Instruction Cell 0 Cell 1 Cell n-1 Memory Operation Unit 0 Unit m-1 Instruction Cell Instruction Operand 1 Operand 2 Operation Packet Data Packets “Reservation Station?” 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Administrative No class on Monday (President’s Day) Midterm I: Wednesday 3/18 Location: 310 Soda Hall TIME: 6:00—9:00 Can have 1 sheet of 8½x11 handwritten notes – both sides No microfiche of the book! This info is on the Lecture page (has been) Meet at LaVal’s afterwards for Pizza and Beverages Great way for me to get to know you better I’ll Buy! 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Stream of Instructions Problem: “Fetch” unit Instruction Fetch with Branch Prediction Out-Of-Order Execution Unit Correctness Feedback On Branch Results Stream of Instructions To Execute Instruction fetch decoupled from execution Often issue logic (+ rename) included with Fetch 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Branches must be resolved quickly for loop overlap! In our loop-unrolling example, we relied on the fact that branches were under control of “fast” integer unit in order to get overlap! Loop: LD F0 0 R1 MULTD F4 F0 F2 SD F4 0 R1 SUBI R1 R1 #8 BNEZ R1 Loop What happens if branch depends on result of multd?? We completely lose all of our advantages! Need to be able to “predict” branch outcome. If we were to predict that branch was taken, this would be right most of the time. Problem much worse for superscalar machines! 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Prediction: Branches, Dependencies, Data Prediction has become essential to getting good performance from scalar instruction streams. Next time, we will discuss predicting branches However, architects are now predicting everything: data dependencies, actual data, and results of groups of instructions: At what point does computation become a probabilistic operation + verification? We are pretty close with control hazards already… Why does prediction work? Underlying algorithm has regularities. Data that is being operated on has regularities. Instruction sequence has redundancies that are artifacts of way that humans/compilers think about problems. Prediction Compressible information streams? Next few sets of readings are about prediction! 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
What about Precise Exceptions/Interrupts? Both Scoreboard and Tomasulo have: In-order issue, out-of-order execution, out-of-order completion Recall: An interrupt or exception is precise if there is a single instruction for which: All instructions before that have committed their state No following instructions (including the interrupting instruction) have modified any state. Need way to resynchronize execution with instruction stream (I.e. with issue-order) Easiest way is with in-order completion (i.e. reorder buffer) Other Techniques (Smith paper): Future File, History Buffer 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Exception Handling (In-Order Five-Stage Pipeline) Asynchronous Interrupts Exc D PC Inst. Mem Decode E M Data Mem W + Cause EPC Kill D Stage Kill F Stage Kill E Stage Illegal Opcode Overflow Data Addr Except PC Address Exceptions Kill Writeback Select Handler PC Commit Point Hold exception flags in pipeline until commit point (M stage) Exceptions in earlier pipe stages override later exceptions Inject external interrupts at commit point (override others) If exception at commit: update Cause and EPC registers, kill all stages, inject handler PC into fetch stage 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Phases of Instruction Execution PC Fetch: Instruction bits retrieved from cache. I-cache Fetch Buffer Decode: Instructions placed in appropriate issue (aka “dispatch”) stage buffer Issue Buffer Execute: Instructions and operands sent to execution units . When execution completes, all results and exception flags are available. Func. Units Result Buffer Commit: Instruction irrevocably updates architectural state (aka “graduation” or “completion”). Arch. State 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Complex In-Order Pipeline: Precise Exceptions PC D X1 X2 Data Mem X3 Xn W Inst. Mem Decode GPRs + X1 X2 X3 Xn W FPRs Delay writeback so all operations have same latency to W stage Write ports never oversubscribed (one inst. in & one inst. out every cycle) Instructions commit in order, simplifies precise exception implementation How to prevent increase latency for single-cycle ops? Bypassing However: can be very expensive Other downside: no out-of-order execution Fadd X2 X3 Xn Commit Point Fmul FDiv X2 Unpipelined divider X3 Xn 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
In-Order Commit for Precise Exceptions Out-of-order In-order Commit Fetch Decode Reorder Buffer Kill Kill Kill Exception? Execute Inject handler PC Instructions fetched and decoded into instruction reorder buffer in-order Execution is out-of-order ( out-of-order completion) Commit (write-back to architectural state, i.e., regfile & memory) is in-order Temporary storage needed to hold results before commit (shadow registers and store buffers) 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Reorder Buffer Idea: On issue: Done execute WB head of ROB record instruction issue order Allow them to execute out of order Reorder them so that they commit in-order On issue: Reserve slot at tail of ROB Record dest reg, PC Tag u-op with ROB slot Done execute Deposit result in ROB slot Mark exception state WB head of ROB Check exception, handle Write register value, or Commit the store IFetch RF Opfetch/Dcd Write Back 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Reorder Buffer + Forwarding Idea: Forward uncommitted results to later uncommitted operations Trap Discard remainder of ROB Opfetch / Exec Match source reg against all dest regs in ROB Forward last (once available) IFetch Reg Opfetch/Dcd Write Back 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Reorder Buffer + Forwarding + Speculation Idea: Issue branch into ROB Mark with prediction Fetch and issue predicted instructions speculatively Branch must resolve before leaving ROB Resolve correct Commit following instr Resolve incorrect Mark following instr in ROB as invalid Let them clear IFetch Reg Opfetch/Dcd Write Back 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
History File: a hardware undo log Maintain issue order, like ROB Each entry records dest reg and old value of dest. Register What if old value not available when instruction issues? FUs write results into register file Forward into correct entry in history file When exception reaches head Restore architected registers from tail to head IFetch Opfetch/Dcd Reg Write Back 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Future file Idea Arch registers reflect state at commit point Future register reflect whatever instructions have completed On WB update future On commit update arch On exception Discard future Replace with arch Dest w/I ROB IFetch Reg Opfetch/Dcd Future Write Back 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
What are the hardware complexities with reorder buffer (ROB)? FP Op Queue FP Adder Res Stations FP Regs Compar network Reorder Table Dest Reg Result Exceptions? Valid Program Counter How do you find the latest version of a register? As specified by Smith paper, need associative comparison network Could use future file or just use the register result status buffer to track which specific reorder buffer has received the value Need as many ports on ROB as register file 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Four Steps of Speculative Tomasulo 1. Issue—get instruction from FP Op Queue If reservation station and reorder buffer slot free, issue instr & send operands & reorder buffer no. for destination (this stage sometimes called “dispatch”) 2. Execution—operate on operands (EX) When both operands ready then execute; if not ready, watch CDB for result; when both in reservation station, execute; checks RAW (sometimes called “issue”) 3. Write result—finish execution (WB) Write on Common Data Bus to all awaiting FUs & reorder buffer; mark reservation station available. 4. Commit—update register with reorder result When instr. at head of reorder buffer & result present, update register with result (or store to memory) and remove instr from reorder buffer. Mispredicted branch flushes reorder buffer (sometimes called “graduation”) 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Tomasulo With Reorder buffer: Done? FP Op Queue ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest Reorder Buffer Oldest F0 LD F0,10(R2) N Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory Dest Reservation Stations 1 10+R2 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Tomasulo With Reorder buffer: Done? FP Op Queue F10 F0 ADDD F10,F4,F0 LD F0,10(R2) N ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest Reorder Buffer Oldest Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory 2 ADDD R(F4),ROB1 Dest Reservation Stations 1 10+R2 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Tomasulo With Reorder buffer: Done? FP Op Queue F2 F10 F0 DIVD F2,F10,F6 ADDD F10,F4,F0 LD F0,10(R2) N ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest Reorder Buffer Oldest Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory 2 ADDD R(F4),ROB1 3 DIVD ROB2,R(F6) Dest Reservation Stations 1 10+R2 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Tomasulo With Reorder buffer: Done? FP Op Queue F0 ADDD F0,F4,F6 N F4 LD F4,0(R3) -- BNE F2,<…> F2 F10 DIVD F2,F10,F6 ADDD F10,F4,F0 LD F0,10(R2) ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest Reorder Buffer Oldest Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory 2 ADDD R(F4),ROB1 6 ADDD ROB5, R(F6) 3 DIVD ROB2,R(F6) Dest Reservation Stations 1 10+R2 6 0+R3 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Tomasulo With Reorder buffer: Done? FP Op Queue -- F0 ROB5 ST 0(R3),F4 ADDD F0,F4,F6 N F4 LD F4,0(R3) BNE F2,<…> F2 F10 DIVD F2,F10,F6 ADDD F10,F4,F0 LD F0,10(R2) ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest Reorder Buffer Oldest Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory 2 ADDD R(F4),ROB1 6 ADDD ROB5, R(F6) 3 DIVD ROB2,R(F6) Dest Reservation Stations 1 10+R2 6 0+R3 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Tomasulo With Reorder buffer: Done? FP Op Queue -- F0 M[10] ST 0(R3),F4 ADDD F0,F4,F6 Y N F4 LD F4,0(R3) BNE F2,<…> F2 F10 DIVD F2,F10,F6 ADDD F10,F4,F0 LD F0,10(R2) ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest Reorder Buffer Oldest Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory 2 ADDD R(F4),ROB1 6 ADDD M[10],R(F6) 3 DIVD ROB2,R(F6) Dest Reservation Stations 1 10+R2 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Tomasulo With Reorder buffer: Done? FP Op Queue -- F0 M[10] <val2> ST 0(R3),F4 ADDD F0,F4,F6 Y Ex F4 LD F4,0(R3) BNE F2,<…> N F2 F10 DIVD F2,F10,F6 ADDD F10,F4,F0 LD F0,10(R2) ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest Reorder Buffer Oldest Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory 2 ADDD R(F4),ROB1 3 DIVD ROB2,R(F6) Dest Reservation Stations 1 10+R2 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Tomasulo With Reorder buffer: Done? FP Op Queue -- F0 M[10] <val2> ST 0(R3),F4 ADDD F0,F4,F6 Y Ex F4 LD F4,0(R3) BNE F2,<…> N ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest What about memory hazards??? Reorder Buffer F2 DIVD F2,F10,F6 N F10 ADDD F10,F4,F0 N Oldest F0 LD F0,10(R2) N Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory 2 ADDD R(F4),ROB1 3 DIVD ROB2,R(F6) Dest Reservation Stations 1 10+R2 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Memory Disambiguation: Sorting out RAW Hazards in memory Question: Given a load that follows a store in program order, are the two related? (Alternatively: is there a RAW hazard between the store and the load)? Eg: st 0(R2),R5 ld R6,0(R3) Can we go ahead and start the load early? Store address could be delayed for a long time by some calculation that leads to R2 (divide?). We might want to issue/begin execution of both operations in same cycle. Today: Answer is that we are not allowed to start load until we know that address 0(R2) 0(R3) Next Week: We might guess at whether or not they are dependent (called “dependence speculation”) and use reorder buffer to fixup if we are wrong. 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Hardware Support for Memory Disambiguation Need buffer to keep track of all outstanding stores to memory, in program order. Keep track of address (when becomes available) and value (when becomes available) FIFO ordering: will retire stores from this buffer in program order When issuing a load, record current head of store queue (know which stores are ahead of you). When have address for load, check store queue: If any store prior to load is waiting for its address, stall load. If load address matches earlier store address (associative lookup), then we have a memory-induced RAW hazard: store value available return value store value not available return ROB number of source Otherwise, send out request to memory Actual stores commit in order, so no worry about WAR/WAW hazards through memory. 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Memory Disambiguation: Done? FP Op Queue ROB7 ROB6 ROB5 ROB4 ROB3 ROB2 ROB1 Newest Reorder Buffer -- LD F4, 10(R3) N F2 R[F5] ST 10(R3), F5 N F0 LD F0,32(R2) N Oldest -- <val 1> ST 0(R3), F4 Y Registers To Memory Dest Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Dest from Memory Dest Reservation Stations 2 32+R2 4 ROB3 FP adders FP multipliers 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Relationship between precise interrupts and speculation: Speculation is a form of guessing Branch prediction, data prediction If we speculate and are wrong, need to back up and restart execution to point at which we predicted incorrectly This is exactly same as precise exceptions! Branch prediction is a very important! Need to “take our best shot” at predicting branch direction. If we issue multiple instructions per cycle, lose lots of potential instructions otherwise: Consider 4 instructions per cycle If take single cycle to decide on branch, waste from 4 - 7 instruction slots! Technique for both precise interrupts/exceptions and speculation: in-order completion or commit This is why reorder buffers in all new processors 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Quick Recap: Explicit Register Renaming Make use of a physical register file that is larger than number of registers specified by ISA Keep a translation table: ISA register => physical register mapping When register is written, replace table entry with new register from freelist. Physical register becomes free when not being used by any instructions in progress. Fetch Decode/ Rename Execute Rename Table 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Explicit register renaming: R10000 Freelist Management Current Map Table Done? Oldest Newest P32 P34 P36 P38 P60 P62 Freelist Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Physical register file larger than ISA register file On issue, each instruction that modifies a register is allocated new physical register from freelist Used on: R10000, Alpha 21264, HP PA8000 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Explicit register renaming: R10000 Freelist Management Current Map Table Done? Oldest Newest P34 P36 P38 P40 P60 P62 Freelist F0 P0 LD P32,10(R2) N Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel Note that physical register P0 is “dead” (or not “live”) past the point of this load. When we go to commit the load, we free up 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Explicit register renaming: R10000 Freelist Management Current Map Table Done? Oldest Newest P36 P38 P40 P42 P60 P62 F10 P10 ADDD P34,P4,P32 N Freelist F0 P0 LD P32,10(R2) N Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Explicit register renaming: R10000 Freelist Management Current Map Table -- F2 F10 F0 P2 P10 P0 BNE P36,<…> N DIVD P36,P34,P6 ADDD P34,P4,P32 LD P32,10(R2) Done? Oldest Newest P38 P40 P44 P48 P60 P62 Freelist Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel P32 P36 P4 F6 F8 P34 P12 P14 P16 P18 P20 P22 P24 p26 P28 P30 P38 P40 P44 P48 P60 P62 Checkpoint at BNE instruction 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Explicit register renaming: R10000 Freelist Management Current Map Table Done? -- ST 0(R3),P40 Y Oldest Newest F0 P32 ADDD P40,P38,P6 Y F4 P4 LD P38,0(R3) Y P42 P44 P48 P50 P0 P10 -- BNE P36,<…> N F2 P2 DIVD P36,P34,P6 N F10 P10 ADDD P34,P4,P32 y Freelist F0 P0 LD P32,10(R2) y Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel P32 P36 P4 F6 F8 P34 P12 P14 P16 P18 P20 P22 P24 p26 P28 P30 P38 P40 P44 P48 P60 P62 Checkpoint at BNE instruction 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Explicit register renaming: R10000 Freelist Management Current Map Table Done? Oldest Newest P38 P40 P44 P48 P0 P10 F2 P2 DIVD P36,P34,P6 N F10 P10 ADDD P34,P4,P32 y Freelist F0 P0 LD P32,10(R2) y Error fixed by restoring map table and merging freelist Resolve RAW memory conflict? (address in memory buffers) Integer unit executes in parallel P32 P36 P4 F6 F8 P34 P12 P14 P16 P18 P20 P22 P24 p26 P28 P30 P38 P40 P44 P48 P60 P62 Checkpoint at BNE instruction 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Advantages of Explicit Renaming Decouples renaming from scheduling: Pipeline can be exactly like “standard” DLX pipeline (perhaps with multiple operations issued per cycle) Or, pipeline could be tomasulo-like or a scoreboard, etc. Standard forwarding or bypassing could be used Allows data to be fetched from single register file No need to bypass values from reorder buffer This can be important for balancing pipeline Many processors use a variant of this technique: R10000, Alpha 21264, HP PA8000 Another way to get precise interrupt points: All that needs to be “undone” for precise break point is to undo the table mappings Provides an interesting mix between reorder buffer and future file Results are written immediately back to register file Registers names are “freed” in program order (by ROB) 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Dynamic Scheduling for Out-Of-Order Superscalar How to issue two instructions and keep in-order instruction issue for Tomasulo? Assume 1 integer + 1 floating point 1 Tomasulo control for integer, 1 for floating point Issue 2X Clock Rate, so that issue remains in order Only FP loads might cause dependency between integer and FP issue: Replace load reservation station with a load queue; operands must be read in the order they are fetched Load checks addresses in Store Queue to avoid RAW violation Store checks addresses in Load Queue to avoid WAR,WAW Called “decoupled architecture” 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Multiple Issue Challenges While Integer/FP split is simple for the HW, get CPI of 0.5 only for programs with: Exactly 50% FP operations No hazards If more instructions issue at same time, greater difficulty of decode and issue: Even 2-scalar => examine 2 opcodes, 6 register specifiers, & decide if 1 or 2 instructions can issue Multiported rename logic: must be able to rename same register multiple times in one cycle! Rename logic one of key complexities in the way of multiple issue! VLIW: tradeoff instruction space for simple decoding The long instruction word has room for many operations By definition, all the operations the compiler puts in the long instruction word are independent => execute in parallel E.g., 2 integer operations, 2 FP ops, 2 Memory refs, 1 branch 16 to 24 bits per field => 7*16 or 112 bits to 7*24 or 168 bits wide Need compiling technique that schedules across several branches 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Loop Unrolling in VLIW Unrolled 7 times to avoid delays Memory Memory FP FP Int. op/ Clock reference 1 reference 2 operation 1 op. 2 branch LD F0,0(R1) LD F6,-8(R1) 1 LD F10,-16(R1) LD F14,-24(R1) 2 LD F18,-32(R1) LD F22,-40(R1) ADDD F4,F0,F2 ADDD F8,F6,F2 3 LD F26,-48(R1) ADDD F12,F10,F2 ADDD F16,F14,F2 4 ADDD F20,F18,F2 ADDD F24,F22,F2 5 SD 0(R1),F4 SD -8(R1),F8 ADDD F28,F26,F2 6 SD -16(R1),F12 SD -24(R1),F16 7 SD -32(R1),F20 SD -40(R1),F24 SUBI R1,R1,#48 8 SD -0(R1),F28 BNEZ R1,LOOP 9 Unrolled 7 times to avoid delays 7 results in 9 clocks, or 1.3 clocks per iteration (1.8X) Average: 2.5 ops per clock, 50% efficiency Note: Need more registers in VLIW (15 vs. 6 in SS) 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Advantages of HW (Tomasulo) vs. SW (VLIW) Speculation HW determines address conflicts HW better branch prediction HW maintains precise exception model HW does not execute bookkeeping instructions Works across multiple implementations SW speculation is much easier for HW design 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Superscalar v. VLIW Smaller code size Binary compatability across generations of hardware Simplified Hardware for decoding, issuing instructions No Interlock Hardware (compiler checks?) More registers, but simplified Hardware for Register Ports (multiple independent register files?) 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7
Summary DataFlow view: Data triggers execution rather than instructions triggering data Dynamic hardware schemes can unroll loops dynamically in hardware Form of limited dataflow Register renaming is essential Explicit Renaming: more physical registers than needed by ISA. Rename table: tracks current association between architectural registers and physical registers Uses a translation table to perform compiler-like transformation on the fly Precise Interrupts: Must commit things back in order Reorder buffer: temporarily holds results until commit possible Toss out things to achieve precise interrupt point 2/11/2009 CS252-S09, lecture 7