Let’s All Stop Littering!! We should all help pick up littering littering will make an affect on the world.
What Is Littering? Littering is when someone has rubbish and drops it to the ground with out picking it up. That piece of rubbish can be placed in an incorrect place like on a street’s walk path. Littering will make a great cause to our environment. It is bad for the earth and will cause pollution, such as air pollution or water pollution. The litter can travel by the wind’s power and can get into the ocean which might suffocate a poor sea animal. Air pollution Water pollution
Water Pollution Water pollution is really bad for the water on earth and sea animals. If we don’t stop putting litter in the ocean it will be a very hard life for sea creatures to live in. They would get stuck in the litter and would die because of the affect the litter will make on the animals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_debris
In My Opinion In my opinion, people litter because they are to lazy to put their rubbish in the rubbish bin. I think people who litter have a lack of understanding to pollution and the cause it will make on the earth. I believe that if one person starts picking up the litter on the streets then if another person sees them and start doing that, if that keeps going on; there will soon be a lot of people picking up the rubbish. It will be a lot of improvement on the environment. When lazy people have rubbish and they litter it years later our world will be ruined. They should recycle it or put it in the rubbish bin
Some Facts About Litter Did you know that… aluminum cans take about 50 – 60 years to disappear tin cans take 50 years plastic bags (sad but true) 20 – 1000 years cigarette butts take 2 – 10 years banana peels take 2 years plastic bottles (very sad) 450 – 1000 years I hope people will help pick up all this litter so these things won’t happen! Info from= http://www.missionadoptablock.com/funfacts.html
How Can We Stop Littering? we can help littering in many ways. When we see a piece of litter we can pick it up and put it in the rubbish bin. People can also reuse shopping bags by using them the next time we go shopping instead of maybe throwing the bags to the ground or throwing them away. Maybe people can use fabric bags for shopping.
I Hope you Can Help Me Make a Difference There are three solutions: reduce, reuse, recycle This should stop