Current issues in environment pollution Global warming Greenhouse effect Acid rain Recycling of materials Maintenance of groundwater
What is Global Warming Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation
Effects of global warming Sea level rise. Effects on weather. Effects on human health. Ocean temperature rise. Effect on wild life. Agriculture.
How to Stop global warming Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning Use Less Hot Water Cover your pots while cooking Reuse your shopping bag Use the "Off" Switch Plant a tree
Greenhouse effects
What is greenhouse It is a glass house which is used for growing delicate plants especially during winter. It has higher temperature inside than outside. In a greenhouse, the glass panel allows the light in, but dose not allow heat to escape. Thus the greenhouse warms up, very much like inside a car that has been parked in the sun for a few hours.
What is Greenhouse effect The greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring phenomenon that is responsible for heating of Earth’s surface and atmosphere.
How to reduce greenhouse effect Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning Use Less Hot Water Cover your pots while cooking Reuse your shopping bag Use the "Off" Switch Plant a tree
Recycling of material Recycling is processing of used material(waste) into new, useful products. This is done to reduce the use of raw materials that would have been used. Recycling also uses less energy and is great way of controlling air, water and land pollution.
Waste items that are usually recycled includes Paper waste: Paper waste items include books, newspapers, magazine, cardboard boxes and envelopes. Plastic waste: item include plastic bags, water bottles, rubber bags and plastic wrappers. Glass waste: All glass products like broken bottle, beer, and wine bottle can be recycled. Aluminium waste: Cans from soda drink, tomato, fruit cans and all other cans can be recycled.
Importance and Benefit Recycling helps protect environment. Recycling conserves natural resources. Recycling saves energy.
Acid Rain
What is acid rain? rainfall made so acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm, chiefly to forests and lakes. The main cause is the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from which contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides which combine with atmospheric water to form acids.
Two type of acid rain Wet acid rain: These compounds when fall in the form of rain, fog, snow, they are in wet form. Dry acid rain: Acid forming gases like oxides of sulphur and nitrogen get deposited on the surface of buildings, vegetation, soil and other materials.
Ill effects of acid rain On building and monuments. On water bodies and aquatic life. On vegetation. On human health.
Control of acid rain Power plants should be reduced by using various pollution control methods. Liming of lakes and soils should be done to balance the acidic pH so that adverse effects of acid rain can be minimized. A coating of protective layer of inert polymer should be provided on the inside of pipes used for supply of drinking water.
Rainwater harvesting In urban areas, the construction of house, footpaths and roads has left little exposed earth water to soak in. In parts of the rural area of India, floodwater quickly flows to the rivers, which then dry up soon after the rains stop. If this water can be held back, it can seep into the ground and recharge the groundwater supply.
Why Rain water be harvested To conserve & augment the storage of ground water To reduce water table depletion To improve the quality of ground water To arrest sea water intrusion in coastal areas To avoid flood & water stagnation in urban areas It is the activity of direct collection of rain water Rain water can be stored for direct use or can be recharged into the ground water aquifer
Benefit of rainwater harvesting Increase water availability Is environment friendly Improve the quality of ground water
Reasons of Shortage of Water Population increase Industrialization Urbanization (a) Increase in per capita utilization (b) Less peculation area Decrease in surface area of Lakes, talab, tanks etc.
What is the solution ? Rain water is the ultimate source of fresh water Potential of rain to meet water demand is tremendous Rain water harvesting helps to overcome water scarcity To conserve ground water the aquifers must be recharged with rain water Rain water harvesting is the ultimate answer
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