“Second Industrial Revolution & The Gilded Age” 1870 1890 1914 ** Time of Individualism … Urbanization, Industrialization, Immigration, and the Rise of Industry and wealth within our Nation “Progressive Reform Era” 1890s 1901 1917 1920s ** How do we address problems arising from … industrialization (big business, labor strife) urbanization (slums, political machines, corruption) immigration (ethnic diversity) inequality & social injustice (women & racism)
Formation of Unions & the Development of “Modern” America Why did workers during this era need to form unions? What is the difference between trade and industrial unions? What techniques were used by company managers and owners to destroy unions? Why did families send children to work in factories?
Trade and Industrial unions: Need for Unions: - Responding to deflation - Better pay and working conditions - Hardships of factory work / sweatshops Trade and Industrial unions: - Trade or craft workers – these were skilled workers - Industrial – every other worker in a factory
Efforts to destroy unions: - “Blacklisting” – list of people not to be hired - Lockouts – locking workers out of factory and refusal to pay - “Pinkerton’s” – a security agency, often hired to stop union activity
Many families chose to have their children work … [1] With both parents working, children joined factories [2] Economic necessity
What is the basis of Marxism? What is the four-step process Marx believed would eventually occur in capitalist societies?
Marxism? How society progresses, Communism vs. Socialism - “Class struggle” is the basic force shaping society How society progresses, according to Marxism: 1 – Workers revolt 2 – Seize control of factories 3 – Overthrow the government supporting “capitalism” 4 – After “the revolution,” the “new” government would seize all private property and create a “communist society” Communism vs. Socialism