EETD Environmental Health and Safety Monthly Metrics July, 2013
EETD Accidents- 7/13 TypeDateDept.DescriptionSeverityStatus No accidents were reported in July
EETD Accidents- By Type
EETD Accidents- Severity Note: Two accidents in Nov 12 not considered OSHA reportable, but may be compensable
Emergency Incidents- 7/13 DateIncidentAreaStatus No incidents reported in July
Ergonomic Assessments- By Month
Open EETD Ergonomic Assessments Date Requested Dept.TypeStatus 7/12/13ESDRDiscomfortActions Pending 7/9/13EAEIPreventativeIn Progress 7/1/13BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending 6/24/13BTUSDiscomfortActions Pending 6/13/13EAEIPreventativeIn Progress
EETD Job Hazard Analysis- Incomplete
Job Hazard Analysis- % Completion
EETD Incomplete Training Assignments * Does not include SEC0203 External Monitoring Notice
Training % Completion Status
Incomplete Training by Course Type (Total Incomplete Assignments = 78)
Incomplete Training Assignments (Total = 78) Open Assignments by Dept.Open Assignments by Hire Date
EETD Incomplete Training Assignments
Safety Concerns Submittals- EETD
EETD Safety Concerns Status #DateConcernTypeStatus 6344/25/13Floor in cafeteria just outside swinging door a trip hazardBuildingOpen- Facilities WGZ /2/13Water spills in hallway from B90 second floor water cooler use EnvironmentOpen- need to move or reorient cooler 6406/19/13Danger Do Not Operate tag on valve in BuildingCompleted- Facilities WHG /21/13Very loud in Some sort of issue with room ventilation EnvironmentOpen- L. Davis follow- up 6466/21/13Noted poor ergonomic habits of Crown MoversInjury/IllnessOpen- M. Alexander follow-up 6486/25/13Water puddles on B90 stairwell. Slip hazardBuildingOpen- Facilities WHG /9/13Need to identify clearance in front of gas cylinders stored outside of 75C BuildingOpen- striping planned in lot 6857/18/13Broken back on office chairEquipmentOpen- ergo team working on chair repair 6717/23/13Walkway leading from stairs in Bevatron parking lot blocked by construction equipment. EnvironmentCompleted- equipment moved and contractor 6987/25/13Floor tiles in office showing wear under chair. Concern about ACM. BuildingOpen- ordering floor mat
SAA Overall Compliance
Cumulative SAA Issues (FY Q1 12 – Q4 13)
Corrective Action Reports (CATS)- 7/13 CAT #DateDescriptionLeadStatus /27/13Remove orphan chemicals from lab areas R. ScholtzDue 9/30/13- Working in , , and Old Chemical Clean-out Campaign #4 started.
Activity Hazard Documents (AHD)- 7/13 AHDDescriptionStatusLocationPI 222Laser- Advanced Laser Technologies Three-year EHS review. Completed R. Russo 3657Chemical- LithiumUpdate to change PI from J. Cabana to M. Doeff. Completed M. Doeff 2097Chemical- LithiumThree-year EHS review. Completed R. Kostecki 3753Chemical- Sulfur Dioxide Annual review- Signatures S-G. Chang
Audits and Inspection Status- 7/13 TypeDateLeadStatus AHD Three-Year Review and Walkthrough 7/15/13T. Roberts Completed SAA quarterly inspection 7/24/13R. ScholtzCompleted
Significant Safety Achievements- 7/13 The On The Job Training self-assessment report was completed and submitted to OCA. The quarterly Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) inspections were completed with a 99% compliance rate. A list of commonly used lab safety supplies was compiled and made available to PIs. The list will be updated as new items are identified. Lab area set-up was completed for 51F-102 (LIGTT) and (Appliances). This includes new JHA work groups. The new Technical Area Work Release (TAWR) database for EETD has been reviewed and updated. A Safety Alert was issued regarding proper identification of waste items located inside glove boxes.
Short Term Safety Outlook- 8/13 Start the Office Electrical Safety self-assessment project. Continue lab cleanup efforts. A new old chemical clean-out effort has been initiated. Implement a new electronic lab inspection form for easier monthly lab area inspection documentation. An EETD Safety Committee meeting will be held on 8/1/13. Start work on training materials identified from the recent self- assessment. First priority is glove box safety. Implement the new Peer 2 Peer safety spot award program within EETD. Merge two AHDs for M. Doeff in /150 and Start 2014 self-assessment project selection and preparation of project plan for submittal.