Planet in Peril: What We Learned 5-4-10
SPECIES LOSS Humans are causing animals/plants to go extinct at 1000 times the normal rate. 70% - 75% of ALL cancer medications come from the Amazon Rainforest in South America.
Hotspot: Madagascar
Hotspot: Tropical Andes
Hotspot: Central America
Hotspot: Mexico
Hotspot: America
HABITAT LOSS DEFORESTATION threatens species with shrinking habitats and extinction, while destroying medicines for humans!!!
GLOBAL WARMING Ice is melting due to Humans polluting the air. Oceans are rising. ALL oceans are expected to rise at LEAST 3 feet by the year 2100.
Humans are Destroying the Earth and Ourselves Valentin Marroquin
How to Help!! Use less gas - bus, train Conserve Energy at home Reduce waste Stop using toxic chemicals
Overpopulation Earth is expected to be home to more than 9 BILLION people by the year 2050. There will NOT be enough food, gas, medicine, and clean water for everyone!!!
Human Population
Who does NOT have Access to CLEAN Water
Who Cleans their Dirty Water
Healthiest Countries Norway = 1; Canada = 4; United States = 8; Japan = 9; Chile = 43; China = 94; Sierra Leone = 177
Life Expectancy