The handmaid’s tale tutorial on society.


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Presentation transcript:

The handmaid’s tale tutorial on society

society səˈsʌɪɪti/ noun 1. the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. "drugs, crime, and other dangers to society" synonyms: the community, the public, the general public, the people, the population

Texts can reinforce and/or question what is important to society at particular times. Discuss how The Handmaid’s Tale performs one or both of these functions.

Today’s society Over time, societies naturally conform and grow into new elements and ways of functioning. What has become more desired/essential in recent years? > In groups, discuss what you feel is most important within the current modern day society

Modern Day Society Growth in materialistic desire “Need for things” Development of the internet, social media, expansion of consumerism _______________________________________________________ However, social and physical factors such as relationships, freedom, choice, reproduction, emotional connection will always play a large role in human society.

Within The Handmaid’s Tale... > Freedom/Control > physical > emotional > Reproduction > Human connection

Reproduction/Fertility The importance of… Reproduction/Fertility Just as within society today, reproduction is a key reoccurring theme of importance within the Gilead society in The Handmaid’s Tale. As in past, present and future society, the concept of fertility and reproduction is the literal method of human and animal survival. However, within Gilead, this concept can be viewed as portrayed as a more social craze, after being set up based around the ideology of reproducing at a higher rate for those of ‘worth’. The idea of fertility in this respect hosts an array of complicated factors such as social unrest and injustice, especially towards women.

“There is no such thing as a sterile man anymore, not officially “There is no such thing as a sterile man anymore, not officially. There are only women who are fruitful and women who are barren, that's the law.” (11.18) Women are to blame for infertility, not men. This reinforces the social injustice being explored through this theme, and the importance of reproduction in not only this society but in the world as we know it.

The importance of… Pregnancy The concept of becoming pregnant is a value which is a core view of importance within THT. In your groups, discuss the pressure this puts on main character, Offred throughout the novel.

The high importance of pregnancy and becoming pregnant as a Handmaid in the society of Gilead has possibly one of the biggest impacts on many of the characters’ lives, particularly Offred’s. By looking at her character’s progression of attitude and mind-set, we see the effects that the demands for conceiving a child have upon Handmaids overall. “She’s a magic presence to us, an object of envy and desire, we covet her.” (Chapter 5) This represents the jealousy that is felt towards those who become pregnant, signifying the importance of becoming pregnant to the Handmaid’s.

“If I hadn't of got my tubes tied, it could have been me, say I was ten years younger. It's not that bad. It's not what you'd call hard work.” –Cora (Chapter 1) The ability to become pregnant is not only of high importance to the Handmaid’s mentally but to the government and Gilead society. This is shown in this through Cora’s implication that it is vital that the vast majority of women are solely used an objects of fertility.

The importance of… Freedom/Control Discuss any the methods you can think of that are used within the government and Gilead society to restrict women.

Freedom/Control >uniforms >names >lack of possessions The importance of… Freedom/Control Examples of Oppressive Control Methods: >uniforms >names >lack of possessions >punishment >rules and routine >religion

Names The significance of… “My name isn't Offred, I have another name, which nobody uses now because it's forbidden.” She has been stripped of her personal identity. She no longer retains any sense of previous persona and is a product of her societal life in Gilead. This reiterates the importance of control over the Handmaid’s lives and the clinical atmosphere which is communicated through Offred’s perspective. Transfers people but the names remain the same. ‘Ofglen’ is an example of this.

Uniform The significance of… The Handmaids are required to wear all red outfits which reveals many underlying themes. They are also commissioned to wear a Head-dress to “keep us from seeing, but also from being seen” This emphasises the severe social neglect and oppression being expressed through the Handmaid’s clothing and proves to the reader that the theme of control is key within their society.

Human Connection The importance of… Human connection and the developments of relationships within the novel is key to highlighting the importance of companionship throughout the storyline. Atwood builds strong connections and relationships, particularly between Offred and those around her to communicate different important aspects of the novel, however, the relationships themselves become vital to showing the importance of companionship and belonging within the otherwise isolating and restrictive Gilead society.

Discuss the prevalent relationship pairs within The Handmaid’s Tale

Offred’s important character pairs >Offred and Moira >Offred and the Commander >Offred and Nick

Offred and Moira The relationship between Offred and Moira is particularly significant in showing not only the importance of companionship but also routing into the sense of hope and this is shown through the desire to escape in the relationship. >Rebellion >Companionship >Dependency >Hope >Level in equality >Naturally formed relationship >First person to remain present from Offred’s past >Desire for her passion >Thinks about Moira in her “time out”

The relationship between Offred and Moira is significant in portraying these subthemes but also communicates the importance of human connection and the need for companionship and friendship in the novel, just like in all societies.

Discuss how you would answer the essay question on how the importance of relationships is conveyed within the novel and how this aids your understanding of the text as a whole.