UOSSM Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM) is a federation of humanitarian medical aid and relief, non-for- profit, non-governmental, member organizations. Founded in January 2012 in France, with the vision to work under a unified strategic framework, to increase the effectiveness of the humanitarian response in areas of crisis; aiming at providing medical aid and support to affected people and communities, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion or political affiliation UOSSM
According to UNHCR Syrians in Turkey Registered Syrian refugees in Turkey 3,251,997 Male (53.2%) Age Female (46.8%) 7.1% 0 - 4 6.6% 8.2% 5 - 11 8% 12 - 17 6.8% 28.3% 18 - 59 23.6% 1.6% 60 + 1.7% Syrians in Turkey
UOSSM operations in Syria UOSSM is currently one of the largest NGO’s operating in Syria, with 1000+ staffs in operational sites across Syria - Primary health care clinics (PHC’s). Mental health Unit. Center-based PSS and protection programs. Medical/MHPSS training Programs. Bab Al-Hawa Hospital (Largest Emergency and Specialty Hospital in the Northern Region in Syria). Provision of medical supplies and consumables to the majority of the medical facilities in Syria. UOSSM / Syria
UOSSM operations in Turkey Launching MHPSS program in Turkey since 2013 : 1- Mental health specialized Services 2- Children with special needs rehab program 3- Women Friendly spaces 4- Capacity building program 4- MHPSS/Protection Awareness rising program 6- Referral pathways and networking UOSSM / Turkey
Community mental health Center CMHC main services : Psychiatry and Medical supervision with free medication. Psychotherapy provided under the supervision of specialized therapists (CBT – EMDR – CATT, ART therapy….) Individual/group counselling. Specialized mobile teams provide outreach services including MH interventions within social and educational institutions (such as; schools, orphanages, PSS centers..) Capacity building program: Provide trainings to multiple target groups of Services providers : School teachers, Care givers in orphanages and facilitators in community Centers, other NGOs staff members. UOSSM / Turkey
Community mental health Center Referral pathway provided with service mapping of the implementation area: Refer the beneficiaries to get access to partners to cover other needs: Basic needs – shelter – legal – livelihood- education – health Awareness campaigns and psycho education: Raising the awareness of the local community of refugees and the hosts about mental health and psychosocial support in addition to protection concerns by: Distributing IEC materials in regular basis in 3 languages (Arabic – English- host language). Contributions on FM Radio station interviews about MHPSS concerns. UOSSM/Turkey
CHMC/Special needs rehabilitation Target group : Children with intellectual and developmental disorders : Children with autistic spectrum disorders ASD Children with different degrees of learning disabilities - Children with down syndrome - Children with learning difficulties - Children with speech disorders UOSSM Turkey
CHMC/Special needs rehabilitation SNR approach : - Providing diagnosis with full assessment - Providing individual therapeutic plan (ITP) for each child - Providing family counselling and involve them with home based plans The therapeutic programs focus on building skills on the following aspects : - Cognitive and pre-academic skills. - Motor soft\big skills - Emotional and social skills - Language. receptive and expressive skills - Dependency skills/Self care - Behavioral skills and therapeutic plans UOSSM Turkey
UOSSM CMHCs in Turkey Ongoing Centers Gaziantep : Established in 2016, registered in ministry of health, provides specialized mental health services of psychiatry and long term psychotherapy. Hatay : Established in 2014, provides specialized mental health services of psychiatry and long term psychotherapy, with rehabilitation programs for children with special needs Ankara: Provides specialized mental health services of psychiatry and long term psychotherapy, with rehabilitation programs for children with special needs Istanbul: To be operative by January 2018 Ongoing Centers
Incoming projects 2018 plans Expansion to Istanbul/Ezmir/Mersin with other Community mental health Centers Establishing a Family Center in Gaziantep for GBV survivors and also for survivors of torture in Gaziantep. Establishment of special needs rehabilitation Centers in Gaziantep and Urfa and Istanbul and Ankara Capacity building program of different therapeutic techniques for the psychologists and social workers of UOSSM’s staff Establishment of child protection and GBV programs with full case management system . 2018 plans
UOSSM Coordination with UN agencies WHO: UOSSM is an active member with WHO in : MHPSS working group: creating MHPSS strategies and guidelines. Self-Staff care task force: Designing a staff care policies for I/NGOs working on humanitarian field. Referral taskforce : enhance the MHPSS Referral Pathway at the four focused provinces in SE Turkey through a more coordinated intervention that is doable, and involving key stakeholders at the provincial level. UN agencies
UOSSM coordination with UN agencies UNHCR: UOSSM is an active member also with UNHCR on: Protection working group: coordination with all I/NGOs working in protection field for refugees. - Protection core team: UOSSM now is a member of protection core team which decides the protection strategies and guidelines. UN agencies
UOSSM Thank you