food services division 2015-2016 COMPETITIVE FOOD & BEVERAGE SALES TELL: Welcome to the Competitive Food and Beverage Sales training. Before we begin please complete the pre-quiz located in your binder. Answer the questions to the best of your ability. We will review the pre-quiz answers together before beginning this presentation. There will be a quiz at the completion of this training to assess what you have learned. food services division 11/13/2018
GENERAL INFORMATION ON COMPETITIVE FOODS AND BEVERAGES There are several areas pending revisions on the Competitive Food Rule LAUSD Bulletin 6292.0 is being revised with updates expected by August State Level – CDE is revising the Rule. Updates are expected soon Child Nutrition & WIC Reauthorization of 2015 scheduled by September 30, 2015 Affects the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 May affect the Competitive Food Rule/Smart Snacks In School TELL: There are several areas pending revisions on the Competitive Food Rule. The LAUSD Bulletin 6292.0 is being revised with updates expected by August. At the State Level the CDE is revising the Rule and updates are expected soon. The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization of 2015 scheduled by September 30th may affect the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and the Competitive Food Rule/Smart Snacks in School.
GENERAL INFORMATION ON COMPETITIVE FOODS AND BEVERAGES There are specific State and Federal rules that govern competitive foods and beverages In addition LAUSD has a Nutrition Policy that further restricts the allowances of food and beverages items School Districts shall post the school district’s nutrition and physical activity policies, in public view within all school cafeterias or other central eating areas TELL: There are specific State and Federal rules that govern competitive foods and beverages. In addition, LAUSD has a Nutrition Policy that further restricts the allowances of food and beverage items. School Districts shall post the school district’s nutrition and physical activity policies, in public view within all school cafeterias or other central eating areas.
What does “competitive foods and beverages” mean? Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 7, Part 210.11, and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines “competitive foods” as: “all food and beverages other than meals reimbursed under programs authorized by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 available for sale to students on the School campus during the School day.” School campus - for the purpose of competitive food standards implementation, means all areas of the property under the jurisdiction of the school that are accessible to students during the school day. TELL: The Code of Federal Regulations and the United States Department of Agriculture defines “competitive foods” as; “all food and beverages other than meals reimbursed under programs authorized by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act and the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 available for sale to students on the School campus during the School day.” The School campus is being designated for the purpose of competitive food standards implementation, meaning all areas of the property under the jurisdiction, of the school that are accessible to students during the school day.
DEFINITIONS FOR COMPETITIVE FOODS AND BEVERAGES Definition of the School Day or Effective Period – From Midnight to one-half hour after school. Definition of sold – Means the exchange of food for money, coupons, vouchers, or order forms, when any part of the exchange occurs on a school campus. TELL: Now let’s go over a few competitive food and sales terms. The School Day or Effective Period is from Midnight to one-half hour after school. The definition of sold is the exchange of food for money, coupons, vouchers, or order forms, when any part of the exchange occurs on a school campus.
COMPLIANCE INFORMATION All foods/beverages sold to students on school campus during the school day outside the meal program MUST meet the competitive food/beverage requirements. Applies to all foods and beverages sold to students by any entity Competitive foods cannot contain trans fat - this applies to ALL foods ( school meals and other) TELL: All food and beverages sold to students on school campus during the school day and outside the meal program MUST meet the competitive food and beverage requirements. This applies to all food and beverages sold to students by any entity. Competitive foods cannot contain trans fat, this applies to ALL foods; such as, school meals and other items.
DESIGNATIONS OF GRADE LEVEL Elementary Schools – No grade higher then grade 6 Middle/Junior High School – 7 or 8; 7 to 9; 7 to 10 High School – Grades 10 to 12 TELL: Here are the designations by grade Level; elementary schools, no grade higher then 6. Middle/Junior High School – 7 or 8; 7 to 9 or 7 to 10 and High School, Grades 10 to 12
Definitions of Student Organization A Student Organization - is an extra-curricular group that is not connected to any academics or any curriculum of the school. The LAUSD Associated Student Body - is defined as a Student Organization and must follow the Competitive Food/Smart Snacks rules. Athletic Departments, Teachers, Parent/Teacher Organizations/Associations (PTA/PTO) and Classrooms are considered Non-Student Organizations. TELL: A Student Organization is an extra-curricular group that is not connected to any academics or any curriculum of the school. The LAUSD Associated Student Body is defined as a Student Organization and must follow the Competitive Food/Smart Snacks rules. Also, the Athletic Departments, Teachers, PTA and Classrooms are considered Non-Student Organizations.
WHAT IS ALLOWED AT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ? Refer to the Quick Reference Card ( QRC) – summarizes the restrictions of food and beverage allowances. Elementary School – Student Organizations Reference: CCR, Section 15500 Restrictions on food or beverage sales by Elementary Student Organizations are effective from midnight to one- half hour after school. TELL: Elementary sites Refer to the Quick Reference Card ( QRC) which summarizes the restrictions of food and beverages allowed. At the Elementary level, Student Organizations must Reference: CCR, Section 15500. The restrictions on food or beverage sales by Elementary Student Organizations are effective from midnight to one- half hour after school.
Elementary School Student Organizations To be compliant you must meet all the following: Only one food or beverage item per sale The food or beverage item must be pre-approved by the governing board of the School District The sale must be after the lunch Period has ended The food or beverage item cannot be prepared on campus Each school is allowed four sales per year The food or beverage item cannot be the same item sold in the food service program at that school during the same school day TELL: In order for elementary schools to be in compliance, they must meet the following: only one food or beverage item per sale. The food or beverage item must be pre-approved by the governing board of the School District. The sale must be after the lunch Period has ended. Also, The food or beverage item cannot be prepared on campus. Each school is allowed four sales per year. Lastly, the food or beverage item cannot be the same item sold in the food services program, during the same school day.
What is allowed at Middle/High Schools ? Refer to the quick reference Card ( QRC) Middle/High Schools-Student Organizations reference: CCR, section 15501 This sections Applies ONLY to food and beverage sales by Student Organizations. Restrictions on food or beverage sales by student organizations are effective from midnight to one-half hour after school. The food or beverage item(s) must be pre-approved by the Governing Board of the school district . TELL: Secondary schools refer to the quick reference Card ( QRC) for Middle/High Schools-Student Organizations to identify what is allowed to be sold. This section Applies ONLY to food and beverage sales by Student Organizations. Restrictions on food or beverage sales by student organizations are effective from midnight to one-half hour after school. The food or beverage item(s) must be pre-approved by the Governing Board of the school district .
Middle and High School Student Organizations To be compliant, food and beverage sales by student organizations must meet the following: May sell up to three categories of foods or beverages each day ( e.g. chips, sandwiches, juices, etc.) The food and beverage categories sold cannot be the same as the categories sold in the food service program at the school during the same school day. TELL: To be in compliance, food and beverage sales by student organizations must meet the following: they may sell up to three categories of foods or beverages each day ( e.g. chips, sandwiches, juices, etc.). The food and beverage categories sold cannot be the same as the categories sold in the food service program, during the same school day.
Middle and High School Student Organizations cont. Refer to the Quick reference Card ( QRC) which summarizes the restrictions of food and beverage allowances. Only one (1) student organization is allowed to sell each day In addition to one student organization sale each day, any and all student organizations may sell on the same four (4) designated days per year School Administration may set these dates The food or Beverage items cannot be prepared on campus TELL: Continuing on from the previous slide, secondary schools refer to the Quick reference Card ( QRC) which summarizes the restrictions of food and beverage allowances. Remember only one (1) student organization is allowed to sell each day. In addition, to one student organization sale each day, any and all student organizations may sell on the same four designated days per year. The school administration may set these dates and food or beverage items cannot be prepared on campus.
PTA, PTO and Other Organizations Education Code 51520 - allows PTA’s and PTO’s to fundraise/sell on-campus during the school day. District policies on their fundraisers/sales must be followed. Athletic Department, individual teachers, and classrooms are not legally authorized to fundraise at any time. Fundraising should be conducted through the ASB and its established clubs. State Rule – allows the PTA/PTO to organize a sale of compliant items on campus during the school day. They can also sell the same item that the meal program is selling. TELL: The PTA and other organizations under Education Code 51520 allow parent/ teacher association and parent/teacher organization to fundraise and sell on-campus during the school day. District policies on their fundraisers/sales must be followed. The Athletic Department, teachers, and classrooms are not legally authorized to fundraise at any time. Fundraising should be conducted through the ASB and its established clubs. The State Rule allows the PTA/PTO to organize a sale of compliant items on campus during the school day. The program can also sell the same item that the meal program is selling.
Compliant Beverage If a beverage contains a blend of beverages that would all otherwise be compliant, then the mixed beverage is considered compliant. For example, if a beverage contains a mix of fruit and vegetable juices, and the fruit juice and vegetable juice would be compliant by themselves, then the mixed beverage is compliant. TELL: Let’s take a look at a compliant beverage. If a beverage contains a blend of beverages that would all otherwise be compliant, then the mixed beverage is considered compliant. For example, if a beverage contains a mix of fruit and vegetable juices, and the fruit juice and vegetable juice would be compliant by themselves, then the mixed beverage is compliant.
Non-Compliant Beverage If a beverage is a blend of compliant and non-compliant beverages, the blend is not compliant. For example, if a beverage contains a mix of milk (compliant) and coffee (non-compliant) then this beverage does not comply with California’s requirements. TELL: Continuing on from the previous slide, if a beverage is a blend of compliant and non-compliant beverages, the blend is not compliant. For example, if a beverage contains a mix of milk (compliant) and coffee (non-compliant) then this beverage does not comply with California’s requirements.
ALLOWABLE STUDENT ORGANIZATION SALES? Chess Club has a sale of compliant items approved by the governing Board on Monday, May 25th Student government sales a compliant item approved by the Governing Board on Tuesday, May 26th Debate team sales compliant items on Wednesday, May 27th Chess Club sales on Thursday, May 28th Spanish Club, Debate Team, and Chess Club hold a compliant sale on Tuesday, May 26th Question: Is this allowable? Yes or No TELL: Now let’s test our knowledge, are these allowable student organization sales? Click yes or no
ALLOWABLE STUDENT ORGANIZATION SALES? Yes – Correct providing these are all student organizations on a MS/HS AND the Governing Board has DESIGNATED May 26, as one of it’s four days per year. Click here to continue TELL: Congratulations you have selected the correct answer. All the student organizations can have a sale on a MS/HS AND the Governing Board has DESIGNATED May 26, as one of it’s four days per year. Click in the box to continue to the next slide.
ALLOWABLE STUDENT ORGANIZATION SALES? NO - Incorrect Try Again TELL: Incorrect Click in the box to try again
COMPLIANT FOODS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Must meet one of the following: Fruit Non-fried vegetable Dairy food Nuts, seeds, Legumes, Eggs, Cheese. Whole grain item TELL: : Now let’s discuss compliant foods for elementary schools. Must meet one of the following criteria, Fruit, Non-fried vegetable, Dairy food, Nuts, seeds, Legumes, Eggs, Cheese and Whole grain items.
COMPLIANT FOODS FOR MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOLS Must meet one of the following: Fruit vegetable Dairy, protein, or whole grain item, (have one of this as the first ingredient) Contain 10 percent DV for calcium, potassium, vitamin D or dietary fiber. TELL: Continuing on from the previous slide let’s discuss compliant foods for middle/high schools that must meet one of the following criteria; Fruit, Vegetable, Dairy, protein, or whole grain item, ( have one of this as the first ingredient) And contain 10 percent Daily Value for calcium, potassium, vitamin D or dietary fiber.
QUESTIONS ? TELL: Thank you for attending the Competitive Food and Beverage Sales training. Any questions?