Welcome! PreK-3 Principal Leadership Series Provide Personalized Blended Learning Environments Session Four, March 2, 2016 “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”
PreK-3 Principal Leadership Series Overarching Goal To build and support the capacity of principals to systematically and effectively lead PreK-3 efforts in their schools and communities to improve the learning outcomes for all children. education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Professional Development Series UNC FirstSchool Online Modules Building Rigorous and Robust PreK-3 Learning Environments: The Art of Communication in Classrooms for Young Children Building a culture of growth Starting fall 2016 Free for PLS participant schools education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Alignment to Coherence: Putting it all Together Alignment Coherence education.state.mn.us
Building Rigorous and Robust PreK-3 Family Engagement: May 5, 2016 Teams of one early childhood and one elementary required. Encouraging a community partner too. education.state.mn.us
Work Plan Goals: Session 1 education.state.mn.us
Work Plan Goals: Session 2 education.state.mn.us
Work Plan Goals: Session 3 education.state.mn.us
Self-Assessment (where we are at) education.state.mn.us
Work Plan (where we are going) education.state.mn.us
Work Plan (sample) education.state.mn.us
Discussion Time education.state.mn.us
Discussion Time education.state.mn.us
Series’ Website Twitter www.mnprek-3.wikidot.com/principal-leadership Twitter #MNP3Principals education.state.mn.us
Dr. Sharon Ritchie education.state.mn.us