DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE CALENDAR CONVERSION FOR MAEOLA BEITZEL ELEMENTARY Parent/Community Meeting March 13, 2018 Presented by: Donna Cherry, Associate Superintendent, PreK-6 Education Rob Pierce, Deputy Superintendent, Business Services and Facilities David Riley, Associate Superintendent, Human Resources Bob Roe, Director, PreK-6 Education Yvonne Wright, Principal
PURPOSE Provide information about a possible school calendar conversion for Maeola Beitzel Elementary for the 2019-2020 school year. Seek input from the staff and community Answer questions from the community Provide a timeline to complete the school calendar conversion process
WHY ARE WE CONSIDERING A SCHOOL CALENDAR CHANGE? Enrollment at Maeola Beitzel Elementary is increasing. The number of students enrolled on 10/4/17 was 962. While the student enrollment projection for 2018/19 is 934, future year projections continue to rise. The traditional calendar capacity of Maeola Beitzel Elementary is 958 students. On a year-round schedule, Maeola Beitzel Elementary will be able to accommodate 1,270 students.
Historical and Projected CBEDS Enrollment School TK-6 CBEDS Enrollment (Does Not Include PreK) CBEDS 2017-18 (Includes PreK) Projection 2018-19 (Includes PreK) Projection 2019-20 (Includes PreK) Projection 2020-21 (Includes PreK) 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Maeola Beitzel 937 972 995 951 962 934 948 * All enrollment and projection numbers include S.C.C. special education students. The projected enrollments have not been adjusted for offloads.
Current Enrollment, Capacities and Enrollment Projections School PreK-6 2017-18 CBEDS Enrollment (Includes Offloads and S.C.C.) Capacity (Classrooms x Loading Standard) PreK-6 Projected Enrollment (Adjusted for Intra-District Transfers, S.C.C. but NOT Offloads) Traditional Calendar YRE Calendar 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Maeola Beitzel 962 958 1,270 934 948 What is the criteria for deciding which schools should be on this list? All numbers include estimated PreK, SSC, and Intra-District Transfers. Projected enrollments do not reflect offloads.
CONSIDERATIONS WHEN CHANGING SCHOOL CALENDARS: Disrupts families and community Desire for consistency of calendar for staff and family planning
WHAT IS A YEAR-ROUND SCHOOL? Education Code #42260 describes a multi-track year-round school as a school where “pupils are divided into three or more groups or tracks that rotate attendance so that for a majority of the schooldays during the school year, at least one group or track is not in attendance at the school while all other groups or tracks are in attendance.”
ABOUT YEAR-ROUND SCHOOLS Year-Round schools operate either a single track or multi-track system Tracks are groups of students divided to share the same schedule of rotation In Elk Grove Unified, we use a four-track system Elk Grove Unified School District has had schools on a four track Year-Round schedule for over two decades. We currently have fifteen schools on this schedule
TRADITIONAL VS YEAR-ROUND Type of Calendar Student Attendance Days Instructional Minutes Per Day Traditional Calendar 180 Days 315 minutes Year-round Calendar 171 Days 325 minutes The minimum number of instructional minutes required by the state of California are: Kindergarten 36,000 minutes Grades 1-3 50,400 minutes Grades 4-6 54,000 minutes
HOW WILL STUDENTS BE ASSIGNED TO A TRACK? Assignment to Year-Round Tracks BP 6117(c) - Adopted January 16, 2018 The Superintendent or designee shall establish an unbiased process for determining assignment of students to tracks based on the following guidelines: Students of the same family shall be placed in the same group or track unless one or more of such students are enrolled in a special education class or unless the parent/guardian requests that the students be placed in different groups. (Education Code 37617) The Superintendent or designee shall give parents/guardians adequate notice regarding their child's schedule. Any parent/guardian who is dissatisfied with the track assignment of his/her child may appeal the assignment to the Superintendent or designee within five business days, stating the reason a different track is more appropriate for his/her child. The Superintendent or designee shall respond to the parent/guardian within five business days. The Superintendent or designee’s decision shall be final.
RECOMMENDATION FOR 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR Transition Maeola Beitzel Elementary School from a Modified Traditional to a Multi-Track Year-Round calendar.
TIMELINE TO TRANSITION Date Action November 2017 Develop plan with input from District departments and Cabinet members. Communicate proposal and solicit input for seamless transition. January 2018 Present initial recommendation and proposed timeline to the Board of Education. February/March 2018 Meet with site staff to discuss transition, obtain input and answer questions. If provided the authority tonight. March/April 2018 Conduct community meetings to discuss transition, obtain input and answer questions. May 2018 Bring forward a recommendation based on community and staff input. Communicate recommendation to communities. May-December 2018 Continue to work on transition. September 2017 – Communicate proposal with district stakeholders: What is the rationale for this change? Will there be assistance from the District in placing teachers at YR schools should they not want to change? When will this new calendar begin? What are the staffing changes? Will Special Education classes be reassigned? What is the formula for Yard Supervisors/Food Services, etc? October 2017 – Meet with affected site staff to obtain input, answer questions November 2017 – Affected sites will host community meeting to discuss proposal, obtain input and answer questions. District representatives will be in attendance. December 2017 – Collate community input and based on the input, develop recommendation to bring to Cabinet. January 2018 – Bring plan to the Board of Education. Communicate outcome from Board to communities. February 2018 March 2018 April 2017 – Parent notification of calendar change effective date (2018-2019 academic year).
TIMELINE TO TRANSITION Date Action January 2019 For transition to Multi-Track Year Round Calendars only Provide once a week public notice as required by EdCode 37611: Whenever the governing board of any school district, pursuant to Section 37610, determines to operate one or more schools of the district on a continuous school program in such a manner as to require any pupil to enroll in a continuous school program, it shall publish, not later than November 1st of the school year preceding the commencement of such a program, its intention to operate a continuous school program in such a manner as to require any pupil to enroll in a continuous school program in a newspaper of general circulation within the district, or if there is no such newspaper, then in any newspaper of general circulation that is regularly circulated in the district. Publication of notice pursuant to this section shall be once each week for three successive weeks. Three publications in a newspaper regularly published once a week or oftener, with at least five days intervening between the respective publication date not counting such publication dates, are sufficient. February 2019 Hold random selection process to determine track assignments or notify parents of track assignments. July 2019 Start of new school year for Multi-Track Year Round schools. August 2019 Start of new school year for Traditional and Modified Traditional schools. September 2017 – inform staff and inform community members October 2017-once a week public notice January 2018-Notify staff of track assignments February 2018- send track selection forms to parents April 2018 – Parent notification of track assignments
TRANSITION COMMITMENT In preparation of possible adoption of a Year Round calendar, we will do the following: Communicate proposal and solicit input from district departments and services to develop plan for seamless transition Provide ongoing communications to the community Provide opportunities for the community to give input regarding the proposal Provide support to staff during transition
ONGOING COMMUNICATION FROM SCHOOL Your principal will be holding special meetings with parents to answer any questions for parents during this time of transition Your principal will inform the community about the School Board’s decision The District will place announcements in the local papers Your principal and the District will provide ongoing communication through newsletters, auto dialer, emails, and the school’s marquee as needed