The Plumbing & Heating Lab at LCTI will prepare you for a Career… Plumber/ Apprentice, Journeymen & Master Pipe Fitter Supply House Sales/Customer Service Rep Factory Representative Fire Protection Sprinkler – Fitter Oil Burner and Gas Boiler Heating Solar Heating Well Pump & Water Treatment Technology
New News in Solar Energy The U.S. will become the largest solar market in the world by 2014, experts at SEIA predict. The nation will leapfrog Europe, now No. 1, and No. 2 Japan for the crown on solar installations. Worldwide spending on solar components and installation of equipment will jump from $71 billion in 2010 to $113.6 billion in 2020, according to industry researcher Clean Edge. source: solar-power-boom-lowers-prices_n.htm
Your Career Plumbers, pipelayers, pipefitters, and steamfitters do much more than fix toilets, sinks and leaks; they install and perform work on many different pipe systems from water treatment plants that service an entire town to skyscrapers to homes. They might also work on waste removal, gas, or climate control systems. Pipes are used in all of these different areas, plus they are used to hold steam to power turbine engines, or in industrial facilities to transport materials. They are also used in creating computer chips and medicines. source
Future demand for Plumbers Government economists expect job growth for plumbers to be faster than the average for all careers through Plus, many experienced plumbers will likely retire in the coming years. Source: ors_careers/profiles/careers/ html
Opportunities to be self employed in Plumbimg Job opportunities for skilled plumbers are likely to be excellent, because growth in demand for these workers has been exceeding the supply of new entrants for some time. Despite its physical demands, however, this job offers more opportunity for independence and advancement to profitable self-employment than you can find in most careers. Source: ng_career.shtml
When other trades are slow plumbers still have work ….. All construction occupations have slow growth when the economy does poorly and people don't build many new buildings, and this can affect plumbers as well. But plumbers have less trouble in bad times than many other construction workers, since maintenance, repair, and replacement of existing plumbing is such an important part of the job. Source: ng_career.shtml
Your 1 st Year Earnings as an Apprentice Helpers--Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 50 % of workers entering the Plumbing Industry have an average starting hourly wage of $ per hour and a yearly salary of $ 27, * National Average 5.htm
Earning as a Journeyman 2012 (4yrs) 5.htm
PA Exceeds National Average source; ch=Go#SectionOp2
Comparison National to ABE Wages for Plumbers source; =209&soccode=472152&stfips=42&jobfam=47&MSA= &x=60&y=10
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