Introduction to NYSED Guidance for School Districts Operating Pre-K Programs for Three Year Olds 3 Year Old Public Preschool Summer Institute July 18-19, 2017
What’s in the Guide? You’ve actually been hearing about it all day!
Highlight: Principles of Child Development Child Development Principles Implications for Teaching There are variations in the sequence of development from child to child; individual children may develop more rapidly in one area than in another. Individualize the curriculum to reflect each child’s varied strengths, needs, interests, temperaments, learning styles, cultures, English language abilities, and home language abilities for Emergent Bilinguals. Allow children to work at their own pace and provide multiple points of entry into projects and activities.
Highlight: Characteristics of PK Learners Classroom Practices: Three Year Old Four Year Old Use make-believe as part of their everyday living Change classroom learning areas to coincide with the classroom theme/topic of study Provide opportunities for children to re-create life experiences in the dramatic play area
Highlight: Environment Equipment How Three Year Old might use How Four Year Old might use Blocks May play independently and spread out over a large space in the block area Will incorporate peers and more theme related schemas into their construction and play
Highlight: Setting up Centers e.g., Dramatic Play
The morning connections… Am I 3 or 4? Principles; Milestones; Characteristics Purposeful Play Principles; Characteristics; Play; Environment
The afternoon connections… Instructional Cycle Principles; Milestones; Characteristics; Play; Environment Environments and Interactions Administrator Session Principles
Please complete your DAY 1 Evaluation Before we go… Please complete your DAY 1 Evaluation
Thank you. Sarah Hughes Early Learning Lead Northeast Comprehensive Center | RMC Research 315-655-4463