Using eSignature for Signing IBM Contracts In an effort to simplify your IBM contracting experience, IBM offers digital contracting with eSignature for signing some of your IBM contracts. With eSignature, you have the convenience of signing these documents in minutes anytime, anywhere, on any device. What is eSignature? Is eSignature secure? An electronic signature, or eSignature, is any electronic means that provides a reliable method of identifying the signer and which binds that person to the contents of the electronic document. The eSignature tool supports both Face to Face and Remote (email) contract signing. Some IBM Procurement contract forms support a Click and Sign eSignature method. Click to Sign: Signer clicks on the signature block in the document and signer’s name and date is stamped on document. YES, your information is safe and secure. The eSignature tool provides a secure environment where documents are emailed, electronically signed and stored. Encryption protects your data. The tool has three levels of security that safeguard the integrity of your transaction and document: User Authentication: Attributes the eSignature to a specific person Document Authentication: Prevents the contents of the document from being modified, watermarks each eSignature, creates a signature audit trail and enables documents to be securely emailed, stored and viewed Process authentication: Captures evidence of the entire signing process so that it can be re-produced from start to finish. What are the advantages of signing electronically? It’s Fast: Say goodbye to the hassles of wet ink and paper. eSignatures eliminate the need for traditional signatures and the paper process associated with them (emailing, faxing, scanning, printing). It’s Simple: The eSignature package (containing the final, negotiated contract to be signed) is created in minutes. To e-sign the contract, you simply access the document via the email notification from IBM eSignature, click on the signature block and sign. At the end of the signing process, you will automatically receive an email with a link to download the fully signed document for your records. Note: check email spam folder if you cannot find the email notification. It’s Easy: You can e-sign anytime, anywhere, on any device (laptop, smartphone or tablet).. Never has it been so easy to sign an IBM Contract! Which IBM Procurement contracts can be e-signed? IBM Procurement contract forms enabled with eSignature. English only. Non-Technical Services Agreement; Equipment & Program Loan Agreement; Computer Use and Security Measures Agreement; Procurement Agreement for the Exchange of Confidential Information; EICC Letter Agreement What if my company has its own eSignature process, or if I don't want to use eSignature? The use of IBM eSignature is not required. However, if you have been invited by your IBM representative to use IBM eSignature, then it is preferred that you use IBM eSignature. If your company has its own eSignature process and you do not want to use the IBM tool, this is acceptable. Where can eSignature be used? eSignature can be used if you are in a country which allows eSignatures as legally binding and if the IBM contract is configured to support eSignature. Sign your IBM contract in minutes with eSignature! Other questions? Talk to your IBM representative.