Isabella Giaquinto and Emmaline Sanders Whales Isabella Giaquinto and Emmaline Sanders
Appearance They look like big blue sea animals in the sea.Whales have very smooth skin.They look like blue and white giants.
Habitat Whales live in the ocean.There are many sea creatures as friends.There is a lot of seaweed in the ocean.
Babies A baby whale is called a calf. Baby whales drink milk from their mother’s body. Some baby whales stay in their mother’s body for almost a year.
Movement Whales swim by moving their tail up and down. They move very very slow. They move like fish.
Food Whales eat krill and it is a type of seafood. Whales eat different amounts of food every day. Whales eat morning and night.
Other Interesting Facts The mother whale will keep her baby a year because her milk makes the baby grow fast. They have no hair so they have a layer of fat under their skin called blubber. Whales make sounds that people think are weird.
Resources Baby Whales Drink Milk By Barbara Esbensen Watching Whales By John F. Waters