TAP CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY CONTACTS LuAnn Stokke stoke@uw.edu Tyler DuLam dulam@uw.edu Jason Kalivas kalivas@uw.edu CELEBRATE SUCCESS AND FOSTER CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT REPORTING MARCH Overall and unit-level response rates Responder demographics Report samples Timeline APRIL Service-area and unit-Level reports Verbatim analyses Benchmarking Accountability and improvement toolkit DATA-DRIVEN CHANGE IDENTIFICATION OF NEEDS AND PROGRAM PRIORITIES RESPONSE PLANNING, GOAL SETTING PROJECT AND PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION AND RECOGNITION FOR ACTIONS TAKEN REDEFINE SURVEY QUESTIONS Step 1 Deploy survey and obtain feedback (ratings and comments) Step 2 Identify themes and opportunities Step 3 Opportunities to Action; Develop and implement action plans and set goals (share with team and Sr. Leadership) Step 4 Follow up and assess performance and impact of action plans Step 5 Did changes result in goal attainment? Communicate impact and share results with Senior Leadership Step 6 Realign with strategic goals and/or course correct 94 SERVICES GOALS Assess baseline customer satisfaction with administrative services at UW, including UW Bothell, Tacoma, and Seattle, through an initial survey Provide data to celebrate successes and help share best practices Provide data to help Administrative Units focus improvement efforts Evaluate changes in customer satisfaction over time by administering survey on a regular basis and reporting the results 7 KEY QUESTIONS PARTICIPANTS 3 University of Washington campuses 3 Organizational Excellence Supporters 13 Survey Team Members 28 Vice President- and Vice Chancellor- lead administrative units 4,000+ survey responders
CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY CONTACTS LuAnn Stokke stoke@uw.edu Tyler DuLam dulam@uw.edu Jason Kalivas kalivas@uw.edu CELEBRATE SUCCESS AND FOSTER CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT GOALS Assess baseline customer satisfaction with administrative services at UW, including UW Bothell, Tacoma, and Seattle, through an initial survey Provide data to celebrate successes and help share best practices Provide data to help Administrative Units focus improvement efforts Evaluate changes in customer satisfaction over time by administering survey on a regular basis and reporting the results 94 SERVICES PARTICIPANTS 3 University of Washington campuses 3 Organizational Excellence Supporters 13 Survey Team Members 28 Vice President- and Vice Chancellor- lead administrative units 4,000+ survey responders 7 KEY QUESTIONS REPORTING MARCH Overall and unit-level response rates Responder demographics Report samples Timeline APRIL Service-area and unit-Level reports Verbatim analyses Benchmarking Accountability and improvement toolkit