Fishes Phylum Chordata
Review: Chordates 500 mya Evolved from invertebrate chordates Chordates Begin!!!
Post-anal Tail Cat Human
Vertebrates Vertebrates differ from chordates because of BACKBONE Backbone = vertebral column or spine Made of vertebrae Encloses & protects nerve cord
Fish vs. Fishes Fish – single individual OR more than 1 individual of the same species Fishes –more than one species
Fish Oldest & Most Primitive Vertebrates 30,000 species; half the living vertebrates on earth $$$ Important to Economy
Class Agnatha Jawless Fishes Most primitive Feed by suction Have round muscular mouth Body: Long, Lack fins, Lack scales Types: Hagfish - Detritivores Lamprey - Parasitic
Fresh Bait Left in Ocean 6 Hours Later Fresh Bait Left in Ocean
Class Chondrichthyes
Class Condrichthyes Cartilaginous fish Advanced Features: Types Sharks Movable jaws Ventral mouth Paired Lateral Fins Types Sharks Fast swimmers Sharp teeth, rows Skate and Rays Flattened bodies Spine on tail Ratfish Deep water Flap of skin to protect gills
Class Condrichthyes - Sharks
Hammerhead Sharks
Thresher shark
Spiny Pygmy Shark
Whale Shark
Class Condrichthyes – Rays and Skates
Manta Ray
Class Condrichthyes – Ratfish
Class Osteichthyes
Class Osteichthyes Bony Fish Skeleton at least partially bone 21,500 species = 98 % of all fish About 50% of all vertebrates 2 Classes: Actinopterygii - Ray-finned fish Sarcopterygii - Lobe finned fish
Lobe-finned Ray-finned
Osteichthyes Adaptations Mouth Mouth is almost always terminal Teeth not in rows Swim Bladder - Gas filled sac that regulates buoyancy Skin Thin flexible scales Scales covered in layer of tissue Tissue covered with mucus Operculum – gill cover
External Anatomy
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