I am becoming more comfortable with change


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Presentation transcript:

I am becoming more comfortable with change Year 7 – Life changes and transitions I am becoming more comfortable with change © Leeds South and East CCG

Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills I know about my own experience of change I can understand that different people have different feelings about change I can talk about changes I can say what I like and don’t like about change 2

How we will work together Can you remember the group agreement we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the ground rules will be displayed in the classroom already. 3

What do we already know? Who came to transition days/transition activities for starting year 7? Who’s already done a previous lesson on the changes from primary school to high school? Who’s used some of the other transition support – like a booklet or a website? Are you an expert on transition and change from year 6 to year 7? Ask questions on slide 4

Let’s get started What advice / support was there? On a scale of 1-4, how useful was each bit of advice and help you were given in changing from year 6 to year 7? Feedback: most helpful help / advice least helpful help / advice Mindmap What different support / advice did you get with transition? Check that everyone can read and understand the words – encourage them to ask if they are not sure of the meaning of any of the words and promote peers to provide explanations and examples. Encourage them to also come up with their own words as this is not an exhaustive list!                                                                                                     5

What did we used to be like? Talk partners What do you think each baby / small child is like? What will their primary school life be like? What do they enjoy / worry about? What do they want to be when they grow up? Work as a whole class, pairs or small groups to answer each of the 4 questions on the slide, considering each of the 4 pictures. 6

What are we like when things change? Talk partners What kind of high school pupil do you think this person will become? What problems might they have? What changes might they find easy? Who will be there to support them? Work as a whole class, pairs or small groups to answer each of the 4 questions on the slide considering each of the 4 pictures. 7

How different are we? Listening to find out… Talk about: Two minutes to listen Two or three changes that you have liked Two or three changes that you haven’t liked Two or three things you’ve got more independent at Ask the children to think about this alone or in pairs. One minute to say it back 8

How different are we? Sharing to find out Share what you heard One minute to describe, one minute for questions Two or three changes they liked Two or three changes they didn’t like Two or three things they’ve got more independent at Ask the children to think about this alone or in pairs. Feed back: What are the biggest differences in your group? 9

How has our learning progressed? I am becoming more independent with I was surprised that I realised that I didn’t know before that I now know I am getting more comfortable with I didn’t understand when I helped a friend by I was interested when I found it hard when I would like more help with I enjoyed Invite students to get used to thinking on their own, not always having to share their thinking. This can be private, with no need to say, just think:  How far have I met each of the learning outcomes? Is there anything I need to think more about? 10

Taking the learning away Talk to someone you know in year 5 or 6 about what you learnt today Ask your parents/carers/ siblings what changes they did and didn’t like when they moved to high school – check out if you’re similar or different Write down the number for ChildLine: 0800 1111 - in case you or a friend need it Pupils may like to write these down and/or share with the group. 11

So who did those children become? © Kim Kardashian and a friend at high school It is useful to think about change, where has the person in the picture come from and to? Take home message- you can and probably will change and take on change in your life. © Warner Bros. All Rights Reserved. When I grow up, I want to be… © Kim Kardashian West. All Rights Reserved. © WRI Tx. All rights reserved. 12

Want to know more or get help? www.mindmate.org.uk/ im-a-young-person www.childline.org.uk/ get-support Contact: Call, email or go online 13