Module 8: Changes to RDA -- in general and for serials In this module I’d like to share with you some of the topics that LC’s Policy and Standards Division will be considering as papers or proposals for the JSC’s meeting this year. -- in general and for serials LC RDA for NASIG - June 1, 2011
Changes to RDA? Intent of the JSC to address “deferred issues” ( and accept proposals for new or revised instructions Easier to update an online tool (yes, RDA is an integrating resource!) ALA Publishing considering update frequency Two approaches to updating RDA: A wiki/email process for corrections and simple changes Proposals for constituency review Posted on the JSC’s web site is a list of deferred issues: topics that the JSC was not able to address before the first release of RDA. The JSC intends to start working on those issues now; the JSC is also accepting proposals for new or revised instructions on other topics. Yes, it will finally be possible to update RDA more easily than was possible to update AACR2. ALA Publishing will be announcing soon their planned frequency of updates to RDA content and enhancements to the Toolkit. The JSC is also implementing a “fast track” approach using a wiki/email process for corrections and simple changes that the JSC representatives do not need to take to their constituencies for comment. There will still be the usual process of proposals for constituency review. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Changes being discussed now Discussion papers (step before proposals): Categorization of content and carrier: 6JSC/ALA rep/1 Review of RDA vocabularies: extent terms: 6JSC/ALA rep/2 Clarification of “Selections”: 6JSC/LC rep/2 Adding subject entities and relationships to RDA: 6JSC/LC rep/3 Shown here are the discussion papers submitted to the JSC recently. The more complex topics are addressed first via discussion papers which lay out possible approaches the JSC could take; after discussion, specific proposals are prepared for changes to the content of RDA. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Changes being discussed now Proposals so far: Reports of one court: 6JSC/ALA/1 Appendix A revision: 6JSC/LC/1 Date of manufacture: 6JSC/LC/2 Papers and proposals available on JSC site: Deadline for proposals for this year’s JSC meeting: August 11; meeting in November So far, there have been only three proposals submitted to the JSC; more will be submitted before the August 11 deadline to allow for constituency consultation before the JSC meeting in November. Shown here is the URL to get access to the discussion papers and the proposals. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Constituency review of proposals Two U.S. members of the JSC: Barbara Tillett: the Library of Congress representative John Attig: the American Library Association representative (represents everyone else in the U.S.) Decisions on expansion of governance at August 2011 meeting of the Committee of Principals Received comments from several non-Anglo-American countries during RDA development There are two members of the JSC from the U.S.: Barbara Tillett and John Attig. After the Committee of Principals meets in August, we’ll know more about any changes to expand governance and JSC representation beyond the Anglo-American countries. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
LC’s list of possible changes 1. Removing corporate body as a “creator” 2. Adding exception for serials to restrict use of person as a creator 3. Giving changes over time as repeated element without specification to give changes as notes 4. Addressing changes over time of expression attributes 5. Addressing use of date of copyright for multipart monographs and serials Shown here are five of the topics LC will be looking at in the next few weeks as we prepare more proposals and papers before August 11. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Corporate body as a creator? RDA is carryover of AACR2 21.1B2: not enough time for JSC to consider other approach (a “deferred issue”) Focus of that instruction: type of resource, not role played by the corporate body – but RDA is “all about” roles There wasn’t enough time for the JSC to discuss the complex issue of reconsidering corporate bodies as creators even though we know that the bodies themselves do not write text, compose music, draw maps, etc. So, the AACR2 rule 21.1B2 was moved almost as is into RDA. The problem is that the RDA 19.2 instruction keeps the AACR2 focus on the type of resource rather than the role played by the corporate body. Of course, that focus ignores the fact that RDA cares very much about roles played by the corporate bodies associated with works, expressions, etc. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Corporate body as a creator? Impact of deletion of RDA more works identified by person + preferred title or only by preferred title Complicated issue! Will begin with a discussion paper Will consult with CONSER, AALL, MLA, and other constituencies represented by categories of resources in the list If the JSC decides to delete the possibility of a corporate body as creator based on certain types of works, the impact will be an increase in the number of works identified either by a personal creator + the preferred title or by the preferred title by itself. Such a possibility is a complicated issue; various outcomes will need to be considered via a discussion paper before specific proposals can be recommended. Consultations will involve many constituencies. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Person as creator of serial? LCRI for AACR2 21.1A2 to limit using a person as main entry of a serial No counterpart LCPS for Test period --not recommended by the PCC group studying LCRIs But remember that LC/PCC will review, change, and add LCPSs if PCC and LC implement RDA! The related impact of not identifying many serial works (e.g., annual reports, budgets, directories, conference proceedings, standards) with a corporate body as creator is a possible increase of identifying more works by personal creators. In AACR2 we avoid personal authority main entry by applying the policy decision in the LCRI for AACR2 21.1A2. There was no counterpart LCPS for the Test period. So, one action we could take if the national libraries and the PCC implement RDA, is to add such an LCPS when we review and revise the LCPSs created for the Test. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Person as creator of serial? OR could propose the addition of an exception comparable to that for moving image resources in RDA for collaborative works A few serials are the works of personal creators The other approach is to propose a change in RDA to add an exception for serials comparable to the one that is already there for moving image resources. Serials generally are collaborative works although we all know of a few serials that truly are the intellectual/artistic work of personal creators. Shown here is possible wording for such an additional exception for RDA Serials. Generally, construct the authorized access point representing the work using the preferred title for the work, formulated according to the instructions given under 6.2.2. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Changes as repeated elements Remember: RDA is not an encoding standard Yet, some instructions say to give a note rather than repeat the element when that attribute changes over time Example: RDA says to give a note for changes in the publication statement -- but MARC 260 is repeatable Another topic for a possible proposal this year is clarifying that changes over time can be acknowledged by repeating the element or elements rather than giving notes about the changes. The RDA elements are repeatable but there are places (such as for changes in publication statements) where the RDA instructions say to give a note; RDA is not an encoding standard and shouldn’t tell us what we can or cannot do about encoding the RDA content. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Expression attributes: changes “Changes over time” instructions now are in chapters 2 and 3 (manifestations and items) Question: Does a change in an expression attribute (chapters 6 and 7) require a new description/record? Now all the instructions related to changes over time address attributes for manifestations and items. Does the lack of such instructions in chapters 6 and 7 mean that a change in an expression attribute requires a new description? LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Expression attributes: changes? Situations for new descriptions now for serials represent changes in the attributes of manifestations (1.6.3) and works ( Expression attributes changing over time in serials, e.g.: Language (6.11; 7.12) & script (7.13.2) Illustrations (7.15) and Colour content (7.17) At the same time, when you look at the RDA instructions about situations requiring a new description, you find that they only appear in chapters about manifestations and works. So, expression attributes changing over time seems to be gap in RDA. Some of the most common expression attributes involving serials that can change are language, script, presence of illustrations, and presence of color. Do we want to create new descriptions for such changes? LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Changes in same expression Outcome desired: if same expression (not concurrent works/expressions), don’t create a new description Add wording in ch. 7 about changes and add wording in ch. 5 comparable to that at 1.10.2: I don’t think so; at least I don’t want to create new descriptions in such cases. One proposal could be to add wording in chapter 7 (and in the introductory chapter 5) comparable to the wording in chapter 1 to acknowledge that you add information to the description for the existing expression. If it is known that the note does not apply to the entire resource, identify the applicable part or iteration. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Copyright date RDA 2.11: Refers to “a date” Lacks instructions for multipart monographs and serials Expand coverage or restrict to single-part monographs, multipart monographs with a single date of copyright, and integrating resources? Because the RDA instruction for Date of copyright refers to a single date, LC advised its testers to give this element only for single-part monographs. We could propose expanding the scope of RDA 2.11 by adding instructions for a span of copyright dates or revise the wording to restrict the scope. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8
Your suggestions for changes? If a CONSER participant, discuss with your PCC colleagues CONSER discussing some CONSER Standard Record topics with John Attig Send your ideas to John Attig (your ALA representative: -- can also copy Barbara Tillett (use the account) Do you have suggestions for other changes related to serials you’d like to see in RDA? I’d be happy to take your ideas back to LC. If you’re in CONSER, talk about such changes to RDA with your PCC colleagues. At the Operations Committee meetings in early May, there were some specific changes related to CONSER Standard Record topics that will be raised with John Attig. Those of you not in CONSER can send your ideas to John; you could also copy Barbara. The two sometimes discuss who is the best one to present certain proposals with the support of the other. So, watch for other papers and proposals to be posted on the JSC site. LC RDA: NASIG 2011 - Module 8