Nonprofit organization The goal is to make effective oral communication and leadership a worldwide reality Helps members learn the art of speaking, listening, and thinking
Established in 1924 More than 313,000 members worldwide Over 14,650 clubs in 126 countries around the world
Communication Problems Leadership Problems Low self-esteem Fear and shyness Anxiety Public speaking Language proficiency Spontaneous speaking Listening Giving feedback Confidence Problems Communication Problems Leadership Problems Problem solving Decision making Team play Time management Organizing
Positive, helpful and supportive Action oriented learning Multi-cultural Non-embarrassing Enjoyable and encouraging Intellectually entertaining Communication skills Leadership skills Effective evaluation skills Organizing skills Unlimited personal growth Clear communication Increased self-confidence Shared experiences Career advancement Be recognized Low cost Leadership opportunities at various levels Large networking opportunity with thousands of toastmasters Participate in educational and informative events Opportunities to influence many +vely
Start speaking before an audience Organize your speech and thoughts How to effectively use eye contact and gestures Increase your vocabulary How to use your body to communicate Using visual aids How to research a topic Persuade an audience Inspire an audience Eliminate bad speech habits Be an effective and competent communicator
Take up roles Listen carefully Critically think Give effective feedback Effectively manage time Plan and organize Delegate tasks Network Develop facilitation skills Motivate people Be a mentor Be a great team player Serve as club officer and beyond Be a competent leader