Subject What We’re Learning Mrs. Schimke’s Class Newsletter February 12-16, 2018 Subject What We’re Learning Reading We will spend our 2nd week reading “Tops and Bottom”. Our story skills are: theme, point of view, visualizing, idioms, and homophones. Our story summative will be Wednesday Language Arts We will learn about articles. Math We will review the chapter on Tuesday and take our chapter 8 summative on Wednesday. Science & Social Studies Science – we will continue learning about Life Cycles. Social Studies – we will learn about Bunker Hill and a famous naval battle Teacher Notes Remember to initial the student planner each night. All test, quiz, and assignment dates are subject to change. Collect those Box Tops and Pop Tops! Dates to Remember 2/14 Valentine’s Day 2/15 Progress Reports 2/16-2/19 No School 2/22 Hot Lunch Spelling Words hole 8. one 15. road whole 9. our 16. rode its 10. hour 17. peace it’s 11. their 18. piece hear 12. there here 13. fur won 14. fir Test Date Feb. 15