Pencemaran Plastik Di Dalam Laut Ocean Elements Sdn Bhd (613001-W)
Kandungan 1: Pencemaran Plastik 2: Project AWARE Plastik dalam kehidupan kita Plastik yang dibuang Pencemaran plastik Apa yang boleh kita buat? 2: Project AWARE
Plastik Di Dalam Kehidupan Kita Setiap tahun, lebih daripada 200 Juta tan plastik dihasilkan di seluruh dunia untuk berbagai kegunaan harian 200 Juta tan = 200,000,000,000 Kilogram!
Plastik Di Dalam Kehidupan Kita Setiap minggu, 10 Billion beg plastik digunakan di seluruh dunia 10 billion = 10,000,000,000 beg plastik!
Plastik Yang Dibuang 6 Juta tan = 6,000,000,000 kilogram Malang sekali, setiap tahun lebih 6 Juta Tan sampah yang dibuang akan hanyut ke laut. 90% daripadanya adalah PLASTIK
Plastik Yang Dibuang Plastik yang dibuang akan memasuki parit, sungai dan seterusnya sampai ke laut. Sumber imej:
Plastik Yang Dibuang Plastik mengambil masa lebih 450 tahun untuk terlerai secara semulajadi. Botol plastik =450 Tahun!
Plastik Yang Dibuang Kini dianggarkan lebih 100 Juta Tan plastik terapung di dalam laut di seluruh dunia. 100,000,000,000 kilogram plastik terapung di laut!
Plastik Yang Dibuang Plastik yang terapung ini kemudiannya berkumpul di beberapa kawasan lautan, dipanggil “Sup Plastik”
Plastik Yang Dibuang Kebanyakan plastik ini bersaiz kecil dan terapung seakan-akan sup dan menjadi makanan haiwan laut.
Plastik Yang Dibuang Plastik yang dijumpai di dalam sejenis ikan laut “Rainbow runner” (ikan pisang-pisang).
Plastik Yang Dibuang Hidupan laut yang tersangkut pada sampah daripada bahan plastik.
Pencemaran Plastik Di Kawasan Pantai Salah satu pantai di Malaysia yang tercemar oleh plastik terbuang.
Pencemaran Plastik Di Kawasan Pantai Laut tercemar di Amerika Utara
Pencemaran Plastik Di Kawasan Pantai Sebuah pantai yang terletak 1,500km dari Pulau Hawaii
Apa Yang Boleh Kita Buat? Kurangkan atau elakkan penggunaan beg plastik!
Apa Yang Boleh Kita Buat? Kurangkan atau elakkan penggunaan perkakas atau bekas makanan pakai-buang!
Apa Yang Boleh Kita Buat? Gunakan bekas air yang boleh diisi semula!
Apa Yang Boleh Kita Buat? Pungut sampah yang dijumpai di kawasan sekitar pantai!
Apa Yang Boleh Kita Buat? Ambil bahagian di dalam program pembersihan pantai kita!
Apa Yang Boleh Kita Buat? Anjurkan program-program pembersihan pantai kita!
Apa Yang Boleh Kita Buat? Ambil bahagian di dalam program-program pembersihan laut!
Apa Yang Boleh Kita Buat? Sampaikan mesej ini kepada rakan-rakan, ibu-bapa kita!
Project AWARE (Welcome greeting) The ocean is fighting for its life and we as divers have the power to effect change. This presentation will highlight two critical issues that our ocean planet is currently facing. Sharks in Peril and Marine Debris. Together we will explore the issues and let you know how you can personally make a difference. As individual divers, you can all really make a difference, but as a community of divers together as one; we can all stand up and fight for the ocean planet with a single voice which has a much greater impact.
Project AWARE 1: Organisasi Bukan-kerajaan (NGO) Antarabangsa yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1989 2: AWARE - Aquatic World Awareness, Responsibility and Education
Project AWARE Isu sampah-sarap di lautan 2 tumpuan utama: Marine Debris Isu sampah-sarap di lautan Sharks & Manta Rays Perlindungan terhadap ikan Jerung dan Pari Manta
Isu Sampah-sarap Di Laut Koordinator Project AWARE seperti Ocean Elements akan menganjurkan program Pembersihan Pantai dan Dasar Laut
Statistik Program Pemuliharaan Laut Project AWARE Tahun 2012 Isu Sampah-sarap Di Laut Tahun 2012 45,000 kg sampah 5,600 orang peserta 50 buah negara Statistik Program Pemuliharaan Laut Project AWARE Tahun 2012
Isu Sampah-sarap Di Laut Statistik Program Pembersihan Pantai di Dungun, Terengganu (2012) Dungun 2012 875 kg sampah 3,000 botol plastik 450 peserta
Perlindungan Spesis Ikan Jerung Setiap tahun, lebih 38 Juta ekor ikan jerung dibunuh untuk mendapatkan siripnya (shark fin) Malaysia pengekspot ke-10 terbesar di dunia. So what actually is shark finning? Shark finning is the removal of the fins with the rest of the shark then discarded (thrown overboard) often still alive. This is cruel and wasteful. As shark fins are more valuable than shark meat and other products, there is an economic incentive to fin (with limited space on board vessels) in the absence of effective finning bans. With an increase in economic development in Asia where demand for shark fins is strongest, demand has increased. Much of this demand is supported by fishing fleets around the world, not just Asia. The top four shark fishing nations are Indonesia, India, Taiwan, Spain, with Spain the world’s largest supplier of fins to the Hong Kong fin market, supplying nearly 25%. Are there any laws to regulate this? Finning is banned in over 20 countries and most international waters. However, a lot of exceptions have been made and there are international discrepancies on regulations. For example, the EU grants special permits to allow shark processing at sea and separate port landings for fins and carcass, with a complicated fin to carcass weight ratio to allow the ban’s monitoring. This makes the ban difficult extremely difficult to enforce. Other bans have similarly complex and different fin to carcass weight ratios. In New Zealand, the ban only applies to live sharks – the odd list goes on. So as you can see, most bans have gaping loopholes as well as enforcement issues.
Perlindungan Spesis Ikan Jerung Kini, antara 70 – 80% spesis ikan jerung telahpun pupus di seluruh dunia. So what actually is shark finning? Shark finning is the removal of the fins with the rest of the shark then discarded (thrown overboard) often still alive. This is cruel and wasteful. As shark fins are more valuable than shark meat and other products, there is an economic incentive to fin (with limited space on board vessels) in the absence of effective finning bans. With an increase in economic development in Asia where demand for shark fins is strongest, demand has increased. Much of this demand is supported by fishing fleets around the world, not just Asia. The top four shark fishing nations are Indonesia, India, Taiwan, Spain, with Spain the world’s largest supplier of fins to the Hong Kong fin market, supplying nearly 25%. Are there any laws to regulate this? Finning is banned in over 20 countries and most international waters. However, a lot of exceptions have been made and there are international discrepancies on regulations. For example, the EU grants special permits to allow shark processing at sea and separate port landings for fins and carcass, with a complicated fin to carcass weight ratio to allow the ban’s monitoring. This makes the ban difficult extremely difficult to enforce. Other bans have similarly complex and different fin to carcass weight ratios. In New Zealand, the ban only applies to live sharks – the odd list goes on. So as you can see, most bans have gaping loopholes as well as enforcement issues.
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