E75 Classifying Animals
E75 Classify Background There are over 1 million known animal species Many more are being discovered each year. Species can be classified from observations of their structures and other characteristics. The 5 kingdom classification system includes Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists, and Monera. Recently they split Monera (Bacteria) into two other Kingdoms: Eubacteria and Archaea.
E75 Classification Mnemonic Kingdom King Phylum Phillip Class Came Order Over Family For Genus Good Species Soup
E75 Classify Your Address Kingdom Our solar system: sun & planets Phylum Earth Class North America Order United States Family Michigan Genus Warren Species Your street address
E75 Classify Phyla In the Animal Kingdom there are 35 Phyla like: Cnidaria = jellyfish Platyhelminthes = flatworms Annelida = segmented worms Mollusca = mollusks (octopus) Arthropoda = insects & shrimp Chordata = animals with spinal cords
E75 Classify Species There are about 2.5 million known species. Millions more have not yet been identified. Each year thousands of species are identified. Bacteria are the most diverse organisms. Over 90% of all species that have ever lived have disappeared from natural processes. One species/day becomes extinct from human activity, some before they are even discovered
E75 Classifying Humans Kingdom=Animal Phylum= Chordate/Vertebrate (spine, cord) Class = Mammal=warm blooded, fur/hair Order = Primate=opposable digits, large brain Family = Hominid=great apes and humans Genus = Homo=man Species= sapiens=wise
E75 Classification Analysis: Date_____ Name______________________ Hr__ Create your own mnemonic like the one shown for classifying organisms. Write 7 words down the page: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Write your mnemonic next to them starting with the same letters: K P C O F G S. Draw pictures for each word & color them in.