Inspection Client Overview Overview of the upcoming Inspection Client for RPR’s within the CIP Database Application David Borden, DPW Construction Administrator Rick Kruchten, DPW Project Manager Jim Lutterbach, CIP Database Team, Unified Informatics LLC Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2018
What is the CIP Database? CIP = Capital Improvement Program System to track DPW projects Microsoft SQL Database | DevExpress Formwork Live since February 2015 (3 years ago) Used by Management and Project Managers Includes: Schedule | Scope | Budget Financials: Contracts | Invoices Resources: Assigned PM’s | Vendors | RPR’s Also Includes: Estimates |Pay Items | Bid Tabs
What is the Inspection Client? One of many “clients” to the CIP Database Client = Forms Generally: field services data collection Daily Log | Capital Outputs | Disruption Dates Progressive Pay Items Work Directives | Change Orders External Users | Accessed Outside City Firewall Formfactors: Desktop | Laptop | Tablet | Phone
Inspection Client CIP Database
Short Q/A
Prerequisite CIP Concepts (4 topics) Before seeing more Inspection client, needed a brief primer of useful CIP Database concepts: What are Universal Stage Codes? Overview of Project Status and Activity Status What are Project Elements? What are Capital Outputs?
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Universal Stage Codes? in the CIP, for project activities, a way of characterizing dates, costs and capital outputs USC = Universal Stage Code (PR) Proposed (EE) Engineers Estimate (OB) Obligated (AC) Actual 1a of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Universal Stage Codes? (PR) meaning, early planning dates and costs (EE) meaning, an engineer providing dates and costs (OB) meaning, contractual dates and costs (AC) meaning, NTP dates, actual costs (invoices) 1b of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Universal Stage Codes? sometimes referred to as Schedule Stack or Cost Stack Project Activity USC Start Finish Costs most accurate newest Construction Activity AC 4/25/2018 9/10/2018 $3,048,632.43 OB 4/12/2018 9/30/2018 $3,050,925 EE 4/1/2018 7/15/2018 $3,120,000 PR 3/1/2018 6/15/2018 $3,000,000 oldest least accurate 1c of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Universal Stage Codes? As an RPR, how do I use USC’s? When referencing project activity dates and costs When entering disruption dates When entering capital outputs 1d of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: Overview of Project and Activity Status one project is composed of many activities Projects have a Project Status Activities have an Activity Status Project Status: (PO) Posted (IP) In-Progress (CP) Completed Activity Status: (FT) Future (IP) In-Progress (CP) Completed 2a of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: Overview of Project and Activity Status 2b of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: Overview of Project and Activity Status As an RPR, how do I use Project and Activity Status? When referencing project activities An RPR will never change the Project or Activity Status 2c of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Project Elements? Represent spatial location of project One project is composed of one or many elements Elements can be points, lines or polygons For resurfacing, element = line segment For drainage, element = polygon area For bridge, element = point 3a of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Project Elements? 3b of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Project Elements? Elements are created by planning staff An element represents [a unit of] need Elements are stored in Master Needs Inventory (unassigned elements) An element gets assigned to a project by planning staff Can be plotted on a map for intuitive understanding of project location Capital Outputs are attached to elements 3c of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: Overview of Project Elements? As an RPR, how do I use Elements? On map, elements show the location of project When entering Capital Output amounts, elements are selected but not edited When entering Disruption Dates, elements are selected but not edited 3d of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Capital Outputs? Capital Outputs are the results from a given project They are quantitative scope (as opposed to only a narrative descriptive scope) Examples: linear feet of sidewalk, lane miles of asphalt, number of ADA ramps Examples: number of small structures, number of bridges Examples: number of homes benefitted, number of drivers (per day) benefitted 4a of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Capital Outputs? used to compare projects totaled to understand annual program outputs for given funding inputs “trumpet” good results provide accountability to infrastructure stakeholders our receipt to taxpayers are not pay items are not assets 4b of 4
Prerequisite CIP Concepts: What are Capital Outputs? As an RPR, how do I use Capital Outputs? You will update obligated capital outputs for any work directives that affect capital output amounts You will enter actual capital outputs at project close-out 4c of 4
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Inspection Client – Landing Page
Inspection Client Daily Log
Inspection Client - Disruption Dates
Inspection Client – Capital Outputs
Inspection Client – Progressive Pay Item Summary Page
Inspection Client – Work Directives
Short Q/A
Deployment Plan for Inspection Client core development completed January, 2018 DPW internal user testing and feedback completed February, 2018 external user feedback and testing completed March, 2018 pilot begins April/May 2018 with actual project 3 vendors | 3 RPR’s |3 projects graduated rollout to remaining users starting after pilot dependency to on-going Pay Item standardization training to be provided in-office | YouTube channel
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