High Frequency Words #4 Keyboarding Warm-up Home Row Keys, t, e, h, o, r, n + m, c, Left Shift Directions: Think of these as words not letters as you type. Tab twice after each word. Type each word 3+ times then hit enter.
across *
almost *
am *
called *
came *
can *
cannot *
car *
care *
center *
check *
class *
close *
cold *
come *
common *
each *
face *
fact *
home *
made *
make *
man *
matter *
me *
mean *
men *
moon *
more *
mother *
name *
once *
remember *
rock *
room *
same *
school *
sentence *
small *
some *
someone *
them *
Type each phrase tab once repeat phrase Try for 3+ times each then hit enter.
she had some *
three of them *
Look at me *
Most of all *
someone tell her