DASAR ANALISIS Pertemuan 4 Murniadi Purboatmodjo Matakuliah : F0282 - Analisis Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan Tahun : 2009 DASAR ANALISIS Pertemuan 4 Murniadi Purboatmodjo
ANALISIS RASIO expressed in % or as times per period - Liquidity Measures a firm’s ability to meet its current obligations - Leverage (borrowing capacity) Measures the degree of protector for long-term creditors - Profitability Measures the earning ability of a firm - Investor-focused - Cash flow Indicate liquidity, borrowing capacity, and profitability
ANALISIS RASIO (cont’) - Interpreted in comparison with Prior ratios Competitor ratios Industry ratios Predetermined standards
Analisis Common size (Verikal-Horisontal) The use of percentages is usually preferable to the use of absolute amounts Vertical analysis All amounts of a year expressed as a percentage of a base amount (e.g., net sales revenue, total assets) Horizontal analysis Amounts for comparative years are expressed as a percentage of the base year amount
ANALISIS VERTIKAL Each financial statement element is presented as a percentage of a designated base.
ANALISIS HORISONTAL Each financial statement element is presented as a percentage of a base amount from a selected year.
ANALISIS HORISONTAL (cont’) Year-to-Year Change Analysis: Use both absolute and percentages Guidelines: When an item has value in the base year and none in the next period, the decrease is 100% A meaningful percent change cannot be computed when one number is positive and the other number is negative A percent change is incomputable when there is no figure for the base year.
ANALISIS HORISONTAL (cont’) Contoh: Change Analysis Item Year 1 Year 2 Amount Percent Advertising Expense $ 20,000 $ - $(20,000) (100%) Operating Income 6,000 (3,000) (9,000) -- Net Income (7,000) 8,000 15,000 -- Other -- 4,000 4,000 --
ANALISIS TREN A study of the financial history of a firm by looking at the trend of particular ratio one sees whether the ratios falling, constant, rising. Can detect problems or observe good management Longitudinal ratio comparison Falling Rising Relatively constant Highlight Effective management Evidence of problems
ANALISIS INDUSTRI Industry comparison complicated by highly diversified companies Financial services Base their analysis on industry placement Provide composite industry data
SUMBER DATA INDUSTRI Financial components vary by type of industry Merchandising Inventory is a principal asset Sales may be primarily for cash or on credit Service Inventory is low or nonexistent Manufacturing Large inventory holdings Substantial investment in plant assets
Latihan soal FINANCIAL REPORTING ANALYSIS – Gibson P5-5 dan/P5-7