Professional Certificate in Strategic Change Management Change Approaches and Models 06 – 10 March 2017
A little bit of history Change management is one of the newest and oldest management disciplines. It is old because humans have always had to adapt and change to survive, and changes at work are no different to any other aspect of our lives. However, codifying how to manage change initiatives and lead the transformations of businesses has only been formally defined as a set of management activities in the last decade or so. Indicators of the newness include: The Change Management Institute was formed in 2005 in Australia and the Association of Change Management Professionals followed in 2011. Recognition of the importance of change management by other professional bodies is only just getting started, with discussions but no formal alliances established.
Approaches and Models The definition of what great change management looks like is starting to become something that organisations judge themselves against but there is little in the way of formal maturity models. The creation of change management teams and the appointment of senior managers directly responsible for leading change initiatives is increasing at a fast pace. 1990s 2000 2005 2009
Attitudes to Change There are two main approaches: Top down, transformational change Emergent, bottom up change Organisations that manage change effectively normally combine these two approaches
Kotter's 'eight steps to successful change' American John P Kotter (b 1947) is a Harvard Business School professor and leading thinker on organizational change management. Each stage acknowledges a key principle identified by Kotter relating to people's response and approach to change, in which people see, feel and then change. The eight step change model can be summarised as: Increase urgency - inspire people to move, make objectives real and relevant. Build the guiding team - get the right people in place with the right emotional commitment, and the right mix of skills and levels. Get the vision right - get the team to establish a simple vision and strategy, focus on emotional and creative aspects necessary to drive service and efficiency. Communicate for buy-in - Involve as many people as possible, communicate the essentials, simply, and to appeal and respond to people's needs. De-clutter communications - make technology work for you rather than against. Empower action - Remove obstacles, enable constructive feedback and lots of support from leaders - reward and recognise progress and achievements. Create short-term wins - Set aims that are easy to achieve - in bite-size chunks. Manageable numbers of initiatives. Finish current stages before starting new ones. Don't let up - Foster and encourage determination and persistence - ongoing change - encourage ongoing progress reporting - highlight achieved and future milestones. Make change stick - Reinforce the value of successful change via recruitment, promotion, new change leaders. Weave change into culture. FOR YOUR REFERENCE: Kotter's eight step model is explained more fully on his website
McKinsey’s 7S Model of Comprehensive Organisational Change
Action Learning for Change Principles of Action Learning - can be used to enhance performance and help manage change in the workplace. Much has been written about the challenges of managing change in organisations and the importance of keeping people motivated and positive throughout the process. The core principle is that participants learn best when reflecting upon and resolving their own work problems with support from a group of colleagues.
All three elements must be present for overall success Prosci Consolidated Model Leadership/Sponsorship provides guidance and governance Project Management gives structure to the technical side of the change Change Management supports the people side of the change All three elements must be present for overall success
Organizational change can be represented as three states of change Current state Transition Future How things are done today How to move from current to future How things will be done tomorrow Establish the evaluation baseline
ADKAR – The five building blocks of the ADKAR Model Awareness Awareness and acceptance of the need for change Desire Desire to participate and support the change Knowledge Knowledge on how to change Ability Ability to implement required skills and behaviors Reinforcement Reinforcement to sustain the change (exploitation) ADKAR and “Awareness Desire Knowledge Ability Reinforcement” are a registered trademarks of Prosci, Inc. All rights reserved.
Agile Change Management Managing Change needs to go faster – Agile Change some thoughts To speed up our ability to manage change, we need to build a community of local change agents. Centralised change has to be forced through the management layers of an organisation, taking time to communicate and being subject to misinterpretation at each step. If we want a faster reaction, we have to empower staff to make the changes for themselves. Our approach needs to be based on the idea of ‘many hands make light work’. This means building an organisation wide capability for change, equipping all staff with the knowledge, skills and techniques for managing change. However, aligned to this is the need for an organisation wide approach for change, so that the speed of local implementation of change is not hampered by the need to reinvent the wheel each time.