Horizon 2020: Key Enabling Technologies R&I for industrial leadership


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Presentation transcript:

Horizon 2020: Key Enabling Technologies R&I for industrial leadership EU-IRAN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EVENT Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran 3rd July 2017 Peter Dröll DG Research and Innovation European Commission

Total indicative budget: 77 Bio. €* Horizon 2020 Total indicative budget: 77 Bio. €* Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Research infrastructures Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs 24.2 Bio. €* 16.5 Bio. €* * July 2015 – includes EIT, JRC, "Science with and for Society", "Spreading Excellence / Widening Participation", EURATOM, in addition to three priorities above 28.6 Bio. €*

Shaping Europe's Future June 2015 February 2017 2017

Open to the World: why? Science is global and collaborative Excellence breeds excellence Access to infrastructures and data (Open Science) Value chains and innovation are international Global societal challenges require global cooperation- together we are stronger Science opens up doors for further collaboration between countries (political, business)

Major EU Policies addressed in NMBP Circular Economy Digitising Europe's Industry #EnergyUnion

R&D in KETs: Key to re-industrialising Europe Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies Access to Risk Finance Innovation to SME Industrial Leadership Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies SPACE ICT NMBP Nanotechnologies Advanced Materials Biotechnology Advanced Manufacturing & Processing Nano- and Micro- electronics Photonics

Industrial mastering and deployment of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) What are KETs? Nanotechnologies Advanced Materials Micro- and nano- electronics Photonics Biotechnology Advanced Manufacturing Six strategic technologies Driving competitiveness and growth opportunities Contributions to solving societal challenges Knowledge- and Capital- intensive Cut across many sectors European KET Strategy: EC Communications (2009)512 & (2012)341 KET High-level Group

Industrial Deployment of Key Enabling Technologies Link: HLG KETs Manifesto publication

Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) Focus: Key enabling technologies and support to R&D driven SMEs to strenghten recovery Emphasis on R&D and innovation areas with strong industrial dimension and market potential Involvement of industrial participants and SMEs to maximise expected impact and innovation LEIT projects are outcome oriented, bringing technologies closer to industrial deployment

LEIT Promotes involvement of industry Aims to enhance synergies between research and industry Strategic research and innovation agendas defined with industry and businesses, together with the research community Strong focus on leveraging private sector investment SME targeted activities, such as integrated approach for SMEs and SME Instrument Use of PPP instruments for the implementation of R&D&I KETs activities in strategic areas such as discrete and continuous manufacturing, construction and automotive 10

NMBP 2018-2020 Priorities Calls Impacts Bringing the digital to the physical world Industry 4.0 FOUNDATIONS for tomorrow's industry (~395M€) Eco-system for design/testing/upscaling Global industrial leadership for re-industrialisation Less energy input, more energy/ resource efficiency TRANSFORMING European industry (~525M€) Climate, Energy and the Circular Economy Circular Economy (20%) Climate, Energy (20%) Industrial SUSTAINABILITY (~665M€)

Event: Info Days 2017 Date: 3-4 October 2017 Link: Save the date Venue: Charlemagne Building (Brussels) Registration open: https://scic.ec.europa.eu/fmi/ezreg/RTD-III2017/registration Content: Presentation of the NMBP calls for the years 2018-2019 Brokerage event Networking opportunities * Web streaming will be available

Thank you! !مرسی HORIZON 2020: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html Industrial technologies Research and Innovation: http://ec.europa.eu/research/industrial_technologies/index_en.cfm R&I Success stories: http://bit.ly/2cCVNm2