Prairie State College Nature Preserve 32 acre preserve dedicated by PSC in 1994 Currently under-utilized Goal: Better manage natural area capitalizing on educational opportunities
Initial Steps Students conducted soil sampling with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PSC contacted state and USDA soil scientists. They were asked to survey the soils to determine what ecosystems used to be here. The pros did some historical research on land use, then came out to dig around. Geology and Earth Science students participated in the limited soil sampling.
Preliminary Results Tiny wet area Probably all prairie Natural stream Historical records indicate the stream is actually natural and has a teeny wide spot with wetland characteristic soils near where it enters PSC property from a culvert. The grassy (mowed) area was used as a horse pasture for years, and soil samples indicate it was probably originally prairie and may have been cultivated. Limited soil sampling in the wooded area showed soils characteristic of a prairie (not woods as expected). Most of the trees in the area look young --<40 or 50 years. Many are invasive species.
Prairie State Garden of Learning