Tunnel Penetration Tunnel Floor Gun Little Oil Tank ISB Rack Bue Oil Tank HV Interlocks PSS/MPS Bus Bar Gun Switches (x3) HV Switch Ross Probe (1000:1) Bias Switch Short Resistor Glassman (150kV) Software HV Enable Knife Switch Ross Probe DVM Slow Lock (software) Battery Bias (cathode) QE scan Gun HVPS Now (150kV PS => 130 keV Beam) Tunnel Penetration Tunnel Floor Gun ISB Rack HV Interlocks PSS/MPS Glassman (Control) Software HV Enable Knife Switch Battery Bias (anode) QE scan 350kV HVPS SF6 Tank Resistor Gun HVPS Upgrade (350kV PS => 200 keV Beam)
Gun HVPS High Level Plans Can we retain and reasonable manage two HVPS for a transition period? Commission new HVPS w/o “breaking” capability to operate gun during summer program (Bubble exp’t) Test performance of new HVPS (w/o slow lock) against existing HVPS (w/ Ross probe and slow lock) Retain capability to operate gun for Fall 2018 program (until 100% certain for cutover) Fortuitously little overlap in HV hardware (oil vs. SF6 tanks, HV cables, uses different software app) Advantage to test everyone’s new systems under TOSP? Timeline & Resources Earlier we can install during Summer 2018 SAD the more opportunities to commission and test w/ beam At start of SAD (March-April) we plan to install (1-2 wks) and run (1-2 wks) Bubble exp’t It would be excellent opportunity to install and test new HVPS w/ existing gun in May But, if not ready … we will move forward to install new 200kV capable gun first (ready in May-June for HV) Identify resources for systems : High Voltage – HVPS + cables/connectors + SF6 tanks/recovery system Safety – PSS/MPS Interlocks + beam operation Controls – software + hardware interlock chassis + HV window comparator + QE scan from anode Installation – mechanical support for assembly/craning Procedures/training - operations support
(sufficient for 150 keV beam) Wien Filters Upgrade (x2) Wien Filters NOW (x2) (sufficient for 150 keV beam) Wien Filters Upgrade (x2) (needed for 200 keV beam) ISB Rack ISB Rack EPICS Controls HV Set = 1 DAC chan HV Pol = 1 DIO chan HV 0/1= 1 DIO chan EPICS Controls +HV Serial Comm -HV Serial Comm HV Pol = 1 DIO HV Chassis (x2) +HV Block PS -HV Block PS HV Switches Tunnel Penetration Tunnel Penetration Matsusada +30kV PS HV Switches Matsusada -30kV PS Tunnel Floor Tunnel Floor
Wien HVPS High Level Plans Timeline & Resources Develop 3 complete Wien HV systems (1 for UITF and 2 for CEBAF) High voltage power supplies have arrived (three +30kV and three -30kV) John is ordering materials for the RS-232 communication Next steps… HVPS’s are ready for EPICS driver development John is designing HV Switches (can someone work w/ John, then own the HV design, assembly, testing) Then we can implement at UITF for testing When successful implement @ CEBAF during SAD (by mid-summer?) Commission and can operate for 130keV Fall 2017, ready for 200keV thereafter